Greatest Blues Sidemen

Moderator: Lew

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Greatest Blues Sidemen

Post by Lew »

Criteria: These 'Blues Sidemen' are not in the spotlight as much as the great 'Blues Guitarists' yet their talent is just as invaluable to the 'Blues'.

(Blues pianists and harmonica players include best album showing their talent)

Edited By: Rick Varner
Last Updated: 2004-10-06 ... demen.html

1. Willie Dixon
2. Johnny B. Gayden
3. Donald 'Duck' Dunn
4. Calvin 'Fuzz' Jones
5. Tommy Shannon
6. David Hood
7. Big Crawford
8. Ransom Knowling
9. Charles Rainey
10. Dave Myers


1. Sam Lay
2. Willie 'Big Eyes' Smith
3. Francis Clay
4. Fred Below
5. Sonny Freeman
6. Al Jackson
7. Casey Jones
8. Chris Layton
9. Uncle Red Turner
10. Odie Payne


1. Otis Spann (Otis Spann is The Blues)
2. Memphis Slim (The Gate of The Horn)
3. Pinetop Perkins (Live at 85)
4. Lafayette Leake (Easy Blues)
5. Dr. John (Dr John Plays Mac Rebenack)
6. Professor Longhair (Crawfish Fiesta)
7. Leroy Carr (Hurry Down Sunshine)
8. Roosevelt Sykes (Music Is My Business)
9. Huey"Piano Smith' (This Is Huey 'Piano' Smith)
10. Jelly Roll Morton (Winin' Boy Blues)


1. Little Walter (Confessin' The Blues)
2. Sonny Boy Williamson II (Keep It To Yourself)
3. James Cotton (High Compression)
4. Charlie Musselwhite (Stone Blues)
5. Junior Wells (Hoodoo Man Blues)
6. Sonny Boy Williamson I (Sugar Mama)
7. Paul Butterfield (East-West)
8. Sonny Terry (Sonny and Brownie)
9. Howlin Wolf (Moanin In The Moonlight)
10. Big Walter Horton (Mouth Harp Maestro)
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