Best Workers

Moderators: Ryan, pave

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Joined: Wed Nov 27, 2024 1:17 pm

Best Workers

Post by pave »

Criteria: body of work (ie acclaim, consistency, etc), psychology, and athletic ability/workrate/moveset, with more weight to the former

1. Ric Flair
2. Shawn Michaels
3. Bret Hart
4. Chris Benoit
5. Eddie Guerrero
6. Ricky Steamboat
7. Kurt Angle
8. Bryan Danielson
9. Rey Mysterio Jr
10. Steve Austin
11. Barry Windham
12. Chris Jericho
13. Randy Savage
14. Samoa Joe
15. Curt Hennig
16. CM Punk
17. The Undertaker
18. Dean Malenko
19. AJ Styles
20. Bobby Eaton
21. Ted DiBiase
22. Terry Funk
23. Mick Foley
24. Jerry Lawler
25. William Regal
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