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Top 10 Songs by Popular Rock Artists

Criteria: These songs are ranked based on their intitial and lasting popularity, as well as influence & impact on rock 'n' roll. The lists include songs from every rock related sub-genre including Metal, Rap, Prog, Indie, Alternative, Electronic, and more.

Note: Artists are alphabetical by first name, and sans "The".

Last Updated: 2019-06-12

Top Ten Songs by Popular Rock Artists
1. Harden My Heart
2. Take Me to Heart
3. Find Another Fool
4. Right Kind of Love
5. Take Another Picture
6. Night Shift
7. Talk to Me
8. Walking On Ice
9. Critical Times
10. Make It Shine
1. Bohemian Rhapsody
2. We Will Rock You/We Are The Champions
3. Another One Bites The Dust
4. Under Pressure [with David Bowie]
5. Killer Queen
6. Crazy Little Thing Called Love
7. Somebody To Love
8. Don't Stop Me Now
9. I Want To Break Free
10. You're My Best Friend
Queen Latifah
1. Ladies First
2. U.N.I.T.Y.
3. Come Into My House
4. Fly Girl
5. Latifah's Had It Up 2 Here
6. Wrath of My Madness
7. Mama Gave Birth To the Soul Children
8. Dance For Me
9. Just Another Day
10. Black Hand Side
Queens Of The Stone Age
1. Go With The Flow
2. No One Knows
3. Feel Good Hit of the Summer
4. Burn the Witch
5. Auto Pilot
6. The Sky Is Fallin'
7. In My Head
8. If Only
9. The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret
10. Six Shooter
1. Take Hold Of The Flame
2. Queen Of The Reich
3. Eyes Of A Stranger
4. Roads to Madness
5. Walk In The Shadows
6. Suite Sister Mary
7. Revolution Calling
8. Empire
9. The Lady Wore Black
10. Jet City Woman
Quicksilver Messenger Service
1. Fresh Air
2. Who Do You Love
3. What About Me?
4. Pride Of Man
5. Mona
6. When Do You Love
7. Shady Grove
8. Dino's Song
9. The Fool
10. Maiden Of The Cancer Moon
Quiet Riot
1. Metal Health
2. Cum On Feel The Noize
3. Laughing Gas
4. Run for Cover
5. Sign of the Times
6. Condition Critical
7. Slick Black Cadillac
8. Mama Weer All Crazee Now
9. Stomp Your Hands, Clap Your Feet
10. Trouble

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