1. No Pornography: Pornographic images of any kind are not allowed. The Posting of any image of that nature will lead to permanent banishment. Any links to or mention of porn is also prohibited. The reason is: Search engines scan all web content. If they find what they consider "Adult Content" on a website (explicit text and explicit images), it will be classified as such and blocked from search results for those who use "SafeSearch Filtering" or similar filtering programs.
2. No Advertising: Advertising for any good, website, or service is not allowed. Recommendations of goods, websites, and services are excusable within reason. (But see "Promote Your Music" thread)
3. Bigotry: Aggressive bigotry towards people of a different race, sex, religion, ethnic group, or sexual preference (as examples) is prohibited.
4. Multiple User Accounts: Posters are expected to post under one sole account. If a user has more than one account that they actively use, a warning will be issued and all extra accounts will be eliminated from the forum.
5. Avatars: Avatars must fit the size restriction of the forum (150x190). They may not contain any image which violates any other rule (ex. Pornography). Admins may remove an avatar that they judge to be in bad taste.
6. Spamming: Including but not limited to, forcing a discussion in the music sections off topic, creating a post of useless symbols and letters that only wastes space, and quote pyramids of no use but to boost post count or disrupt the flow of discussion.
7. Copyrights and File Sharing: The sharing of copyrighted files through the forum is strictly prohibited.
8. Conduct: Posters are expected to keep a certain level of respect between each other while posting on the forum. Physical threats, mindless attacks of another posters character, or useless remarks meant only as jabs at someone else have no place on the forum. Posters who frequently abuse this rule will be banished from the forum.
9. Favorite Artists Section: Threads located in the Favorite Artists sections are for fans of an artist to converse about that artist. Posters wishing to argue against or attack that artist are not allowed to do so within that section. In short if you do not like an artist and wish to argue that they are not great do so in a list with the artist placed in it.
10. Stickies & Announcements: Many sections of the forum have special threads, Stickies and Announcements, for smaller topics. Any thread created by a poster that would be more appropriate in one of those special threads should be posted within there. If it is not the useless thread will be locked, and the poster warned. Account punishments may follow for repeat offenders.
11. Off Topic Discussion: All discussion not related to one of the music or movie sections should be directed to the larger Off Topic section. Any poster creating threads or making posts that are off the subject of the section/thread will be warned and the thread/post will be deleted or moved.
12. Section Rules: Any section may have further rules for posters within that section to follow. These rules are set up by the moderator, and should be adhered to just as these main rules. Breaking those rules will also bring the same punishment as breaking a main rule.
Warnings: A warning can come from either an administrator or a moderator. All moderator warnings will carry the same weight as one by an administrator, and should be respected equally by the poster. Any disregard of that will lead to a harder punishment.
Banishments: Banishments will be handed out on a case by case basis, taking many factors into account. They may not always appear immediately, but there is no timeframe on when they must be issued. They may be either temporary or permenant depending on the poster and the situation.
Note: The forum rules apply to all ddd members equally, and stiplulate the manner of conduct which must be adhered to on all forms of the ddd website, including private messages, and including email messages sent out from posters through the digitaldreamdoor interface.
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