Comments on Woodstock 1969 - Page 7

Your Comments about Woodstock 1969.
March 04, 2011 thru May 29, 2012

Comments start at the bottom of the page.

I spent that summer in a wilderness area along the St. Croix River between MN and WI. Looked up at the moon from the woods and heard humans were there. Taught swimming to black and Italian inner city kids from St. Paul, MN. After camp broke up, headed east with a friend in his red convertible to visit his girlfriend in Boston. Kept hearing about Woodstock and went to Woodstock, NY to check it out, only to find it was happening closer to White Plains. Went there and saw what was being built. I stayed while my friend went on to Boston. I worked with the crew building a water system for the people who would be coming. Swam in the ponds naked with a couple hundred other beautiful people. Ate raisin carrot salads prepared by the beautiful gals from the Hog Farm. Meditated with everybody in the grassy hillside pasture. Tried to stay awake for all three-four days of music. Went up close to the stage on the second night and watched the Who followed by Jefferson Airplane as it started getting light. I got muddy like everyone else. All I ate was three raw potatoes which made me pretty sick afterwards. We all took so good care of each other and shared everything. It is my hope for the world that the spirit of Woodstock grows to lift us all.
Luke Lundemo
Jackson, MS USA - Monday, May 06, 2013 at 06:34:16 (EDT)
My folks had a summer house on White Lake just down the road from Bethel and Max's dairy farm. I bought a ticket for all three days. Had it for so many years until, now it's gone. But ya know, the memory, some it faded now, it is one of the most favorite of my life. Stayed for the whole 4 days. Finished up hearing Jimi Hendrix play the star spangled banner, wow! Crosby Still and Nash, still one of my favorites. I wish we could all go there again. Thank you, Love, Peace and Music.
Allan B
Flushing, NY USA - Monday, April 22, 2013 at 19:06:47 (EDT)
I went by myself, my friends didn't want to sneak out of their homes to go. I was only 14 when I made the trip up. I took buses and hitched rides. While there I made some good friends, one of which I still keep in contact with today! She took me home after the final day. Woodstock was one of my favorite moments. Sigh... What I'd do to go back and be a cute young thing again.
Toms River, NJ USA - Thursday, March 14, 2013 at 15:25:44 (EDT)
Went up from Long Island in the back of a 18' hertz truck w/ 6-7 others.. no light just a couple of mattresses and a case of beer.. we looked like a boatload of Balken refugees when we unloaded. and walked a couple miles.. lost the truck with most of my clothes in it(too hot) so wandered around shirtless. Had to leave sun. a.m. to drive to Virginia so hitched back to the Island. got my moms car and made it to virginia as Hendrix was taking the stage. last act seen: Jefferson Airplane( after the Sat. nite lineup!) Spent much time in and around the "woods" and Wavy Gravys Hogfarm (Thanks for the Brown Rice and good vibes!). I was still high on acid when I hit the road.. missed some great bands sadly but what I did see, hear and do was/is still one of the most if not the most influential events of my life.. when I visited the site about 18 years ago. I wept at how it seemed as a dream. Max Yasgur's kind words still echo cross my mind... Fun and Music
Laurence Hugo 12/6/12
Charlottesville, Va. - Wednesday, December 05, 2012 at 19:23:20 (EST)
I ended up at the festival by coincidence. I was picked up hitch hiking on I-95 at Bangor by a young couple in an Econoline van. He was a carpenter, she was an artist. The van seemed to be full of canvases and tools. They were headed to the festival and I didn't know where I was going. I was heading south from Nova Scotia, so I asked to accompany them. I camped in my tent next to their van. Notable were running into my 17 year old brother in a Roy Rogers tent; jumping over the back stage fence to sneak into the stage area and carrying a movie camera up one of the towers beside the stage. I saw Sha Na Na, Crosby Stills and Nash, Jimi Hendrix playing the Star Spangled Banner, and a few more. A belated thank you to the girls who offered me help to bandage my hand after tearing it on the top of the chain link fence..... I was introduced to a couple of other folks who were headed to the west coast and ended up in San Francisco for a few months. I didn't really have an objective throughout. I had just received a 1Y draft status so just headed out, leaving home behind for a few months. It was an adventure.
Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts - Saturday, November 10, 2012 at 06:40:40 (EST)
i was there for the entire time start to finish
i remember various events and people i ran into
strange events. my jeans were almost fused to my body filled with mud
but who cared.. not me amidst the rain there was a peace
i wonder will ever be felt again
such brotherhood
i feel very very lucky to be a part of that generation
i am 62 now and still have that same spirit with twinkles in my eyes
please, love and rock 'n' roll

forest hills, ny use - Wednesday, October 24, 2012 at 00:44:52 (EDT)
I was one of the people who actually bought tickets. My wife and I went on vacation, up through Cape Cod, Maine, Quebec, Toronto and back down through West Point. On the way to Woodstock, we were induced to park miles away both because of the traffic and the man who told us "It's not far from here." We were totally unprepared to sleep in the rain. We spent the night under some kind persons tent fly, and left the next day. Soaking wet, I got blisters on my feet walking about eight miles back to the car. We were glad to get to my in-laws place in Delaware, where we could get cleaned up and get some sleep. Oh well!
Bunker Hill
Spearfish, SD USA - Sunday, September 30, 2012 at 15:32:24 (EDT)
I was living in San-Fran at the time, along with (it seened) everybody else in the world, just hanging out, going to the bar where all these people would go and sing or free (they had a hat that you could put money in)when we first saw the posters announcing a concert coming up. Everyone I knew was going to go so I said W.T.F. and got a ride there with two friends that were going.
I remember switching drivers as we drove, because it was fun to do. We picked up three girls along the way and had the greatest time in Montana with them where we spent the night. When we woke up the next morning, the girls were gone,(they got another ride) but had left us food and a note thanking us for the ride both in the car and in the motel we ended up in. By the time we got to N.Y., it was raining and we had to walk in to the concert because of the traffic jam that was going on. The fences were already down when we got there, and each of us ended up crashing with someone else( we forgot to bring bedding) and spent the next (I want to say we were there for four days, cause we stayed to help clean up the place.)( what a wreck) But I have never had a better time since! Thank you Wavy Gravy for feeding us, Thank you to the young couple with the little boy who let me crash with them in exchange for babysitting him maybe three times, wouldn't see THAT these days) and to the girls (never did know their names)who left us enough food to last almost three days. To the people who gave me soap (YES, WE BATHED IN THE POND) and everyone else who helped me through the best experience I've ever had!!!
Ben Schrecengost
Cleveland, Ohio U.S.A. - Thursday, September 06, 2012 at 16:44:09 (EDT)
I just turned 19 a few months earlier and just graduated high school. We were hanging out in north-east Philadelphia and one of the guys said hey lets go to the rock festival in NY so we piled in 2 cars we really did not plan ahead just went to the store and picked up some food. I think it was 8 or 10 of us we left early Friday night it should of taken only a couple hours but we got stuck in the now famous traffic moved at a snails pace all night we pitched our tent between our cars and when traffic moved we just picked up the tent and moved it and put it down till traffic moved again. We did not get there till about 9AM Saturday morning. It was a great time. Not one recorded act of violence a few deaths from overdoses a few births. A whole lot of pot and other stuff. The music was great but we could not get close to the stage because the people kind of stayed in groups and did not leave the front area it looked like mud hole 6 inches deep because of all the rain I think Friday night but the love peace and joy part of the age was still the focus of myself and many others it felt good to be a part of it. Looking back I am glad I had this experience.
My oldest daughter went to the one in 1995 and also had a blast.

Norm Dennis
Philadelphia, Pa - Thursday, August 30, 2012 at 23:17:43 (EDT)
Back in 1969, when I was only 22, my husband and a friend of ours drove from Buffalo to Miami for a short holiday. We heard about Woodstock and decided to hit it on the way back from Florda. It never happened. A hurricane was happening the day we left Miami, a bad one, that followed us all the way through the south. There were 18 wheelers turned over on the highway and the driving was bad. We could barely see in front of us and had to pull over a few times. We had the radio on and kept hearing reports of Woodstock being a disaster area, with 500,000 people and mad rain. We heard the NY thruway was closed. Unfortunately, we had to change our plans. To this day I regret missing the most famous concert of all time...Woodstock 1969! I was almost a part of it.
Pensacola, Fl USA - Friday, August 17, 2012 at 13:26:43 (EDT)
Hippie Charlie and I were strolling around the campus at NAU in northern AZ. It was Friday Aug. 15, 1969. His best friend and a carload of students were taking an old 1957 Chevy across country to see " this huge concert in NY " everyone was going to see Jimi Hendrix and Joplin "wail!!" The car was packed so we declined. We had just got back from Haight - Ashbury and down to San Diego CA. We had a break- down in Los Angeles, and had to hitch-hike home so we were leary of another cross-country trip in an old car!! After they left we pitched a tent on the side of Mars Hill near the University and spent the weekend there. It rained in AZ that weekend so we stayed in, under the canvas tent-top to rest form our long journey home. When the sun came out we sunbathed on the incline and found our love and joy in each other and our youth and our loving God. We conceived our little baby girl Laura that Sunday Aug. 17, 1969 in the beautiful sunshine after a hard rain listening to Joplin ... wail on the big police-band radio. Now when I see my daughter who tuned 42 years old last May 2012, I think of what would have happened and how our lives would have been, had we squeezed in the back of that old Chevy and been there to say farewell to Jimi and Janis.
Cheryl Sanfedele-Kemper
HollySprings, NC USA - Friday, August 17, 2012 at 11:04:34 (EDT)
Lived in Wildwood, NJ, summer of '69...saw poster for concert...hitched ride with guys we met on the idea of what was to come...thought we would be staying in a motel...traffic at stand still...found the guys after car parked...when rains came...tried to stay dry in the car for awhile. Separated ourselves from the guys and spent the next days loving the music and the circus atmosphere...appreciated the 'bad acid' warnings. People willing to share whatever they had to eat. Had to hitch back to NJ...guys left...sometime later after I returned to Pgh I received some contents of a bag of mine that the guys left with the stage hands. I remember a couple of items that were returned: a picture of my deceased father that I always carried with me and my contact lenses...not my harmonica or suede fringed beaded bag. I couldn't play the harmonica anyway. Throughout the years, I have been fortunate to see several of the musicians who played at Woodstock. Had it not been for this festival, I never would have seen Joplin, Hendrix, or Jefferson Airplane in a live performance. Forty three years later, I have amazing memories of my 'once in lifetime'.
Pittsburgh, Pa - Thursday, August 16, 2012 at 22:20:38 (EDT)
I was disappointed that the movie didn't have the light shows. That was about the only thing we could see up on the hill where the storage trailers were.Had a great time. Sly was the best.The hills would echo some of his stuff.Creedence was good but their songs were too short. We left after about 2 songs from Jefferson Airplane. We were just too tired and the car was about a mile away.I'm always amazed about how much music I missed.Same thing happened at Atlanta Pop Festival. We decided we were too tired after a full day and night and were walking out the gate.I could hear a guy singing as we left.It was Joe Cocker's first American appearance.
Steve Young
Jacksonville, NC - Wednesday, August 15, 2012 at 13:24:33 (EDT)
God bless all you who were really there and have written your memories and comments. I was 14 and a corn hick hearing about this and wanting to try drugs and what I thought was super "hip". No, there was no way I was there but after all these years I now know the incredible influence the far-off stories of Woodstock '69 have had on my life. I learned to play guitar, bass, keyboards drum and sing because of it. I took a lot of drugs because of it. Later I discovered how to stop taking drugs but I have never forgotten the principles that I believed were valid because of it.
Now, at age 56, I would probably be considered a failure at life. But, you know, I don't really care. My life has been a varied and a very amusing journey because of what I believed that WOODSTOCK entailed. I envy all the souls who were lucky enough to have been anywhere close to seeing this miracle actually happen.
Of course, soon we will all be gone and it will pass into history.
SO PLEASE, RECORD WHAT YOU REMEMBER for the children who may care!

Thank you and Bless You All.
Lincoln, Ne - Sunday, July 15, 2012 at 01:29:52 (EDT)
I was three when this event took place. My parents took me to Woodstock and I watched the bands and sucked on titty the whole three day event.
Jo Jo
Orlando, FL - Thursday, July 12, 2012 at 17:40:44 (EDT)
I spent 2.5 days there it was hot. people were good. i will never forget it but just got dumped from my boyfriend and it was a crowd never to forget but was outside so it did not feel like five hundred thousand people. i lived in charlottesville virginia at the time. Do you have any photos of me. 24 years old.
pam quisling
nashville, tn usa - Monday, June 11, 2012 at 19:10:37 (EDT)
Oh - What a time it was. Six of us arrived just before sun up on Thursday. I drank a bottle of Tango that afternoon and had to hang onto the groung to keep from falling off as the world spun around. Big mistake. Felt like crap until the next day.
A totally new experience for me. This was the first concert I've been to, the first time of seeing naked people, sex, drugs, kids as far as the eye could see in every direction. Everyone was everyones brother.
We brought some food and water, booze & smoke. My girl friend laughed until she fell over when she saw me eating a pile of Frosted Flakes I dumped out on our blanket and picking the ants out. We shared what we had. Everyone was very greatful and friendly.
I cut my foot when sliding in the mud and had to get it taken care of. I couldn't believe all the other foot injuries there.
An older woman with two big black gourds hanging around her neck asked if we would like some of her wine. It was really great, we tripped like you wouldn't believe while listening to Santana.
Had to see Janis Joplin up close. I got close enough to see her sweat. I was quite stoned still and during "Piece of My Heart" the part where she screemed, the guy standing next to me, poked me with his elbow as he covered part of his face with his vest and said" watch out, she's getting ready to blow! That put me into one of those laughing fits that I just couldn't control, ended up on the ground. She saw this and pointed to me and smiled. I will never forget that.
Never got to see Hendrix. We left shortly after midnight Monday morning. We left out broken tent and blankets that were stuck to the ground in mud to whoever could use them.
Most people have that "happy place" in the back of their mind. That was and always will be my "happy place".
Always thought of going back someday, but my friend said that the place had changed. "Dont't you want to remember it the way it was"? I had to agree, but just maybe someday?
Of the six of us that went, only two of us are still around.
I was only eighteen, but it still fells like just yesterday. Occationally, I would pick up the smell of people, smoke or mud that brings it all back.
Oh, but to have a time machine!
Torrington, Ct. USA - Tuesday, May 29, 2012 at 18:29:18 (EDT)
hippy zach
new york, new york new york - Thursday, May 24, 2012 at 09:15:43 (EDT)
I never made it to Woodstock because I left the country for Europe to avoid my scheduled Army draft physical right after I graduated from college in June 1969. I played in a band then and play in them now, still doing CSN and the Band covers.
Alan Krupnick
Washington, DC - Tuesday, May 22, 2012 at 21:45:24 (EDT)
If i could go back to woodstock.. i would write a journal of the event.. i shall never forget a moment!
Judith kirouac Milbert
GREENE, Maine Usa - Saturday, May 12, 2012 at 21:05:02 (EDT)
Well, I was 15 that summer and worked at a camp (in the kitchen) about 10 miles down the road. My best friend and I couldn't both get off, so we draw straws and yes, I got the short straw. That turned out to be the worse challenge I ever lost! However, the weekend before, we did go to a club andsaw Richie Havens perform and it was fantastic. It was just him and his guitar.
Mark R
Cary, NC - Friday, May 11, 2012 at 13:08:05 (EDT)
Loved Richie Havens. I was probably one of the few people that was not "stoned" or "drunk." (Unfortunately) I remember someone "knocking" on our tent's door in the middle of the night and asking if we had any "drugs." I innocently replied I had some tylenol. That was not what they were looking for, obviously. Didn't know what we were getting into to, but we had packed enough peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to feed an army and we did share them with neighbors who had what I now know were the "munchies." A fun,once-in-a lifetime experience was had by all.! Our "group" actually left and drove to someone's Aunt's house who lived nearby and all took showers and then came back. My parents were freaking out when they saw the coverage on T.V. LT
Linda Maurer Theberge
Mt. Laurel, NJ - Monday, May 07, 2012 at 11:56:24 (EDT)
Went with my big brother and his wife. Had to leave our orange VW and walk. Could not carry everything with us so I said take the camping gear and leave the food. What a mistake. It was like Bob Dylan said we had alot of forks and knifes, needed to cut something. Why did my big brother listen to me?????? Set up the rented tent we had in the middle of a big field. When we got back it was wall to wall tents took forever to find it. It is something I will never forget. When I die I want that in my Obituary
Chicopee, MA usa - Sunday, April 29, 2012 at 20:03:53 (EDT)
Kenny Blum
- Wednesday, April 18, 2012 at 01:00:34 (EDT)
We were there. almost in the front row. stage in front army medical tent to my left shoulder. "don't take the brown acid."
james cain
los lunas, new mexico the us of whatever - Thursday, February 23, 2012 at 13:50:04 (EST)
I'm 23 years old, my father is 62 and he went to Woodstock when he was 19. He lived in central NJ and told me his parents didn't want him going (for fear of riots and such) so he woke up early in the morning, brought his dog and picked up his girlfriend. He said the next day there was a photo in the paper of a couple that looked like them and a dog that looked like theirs. I don't think he's sure if it really was them or a look-alike couple+dog but my grandparents saw the photo in the paper and were pissed haha.
I was never really all that into the music of that time, even though my father has played it around me all my life. I do enjoy it in an appreciative type of way, and I do wish I could have gone to the show for the atmosphere and the energy. I recently found original Woodstock records from a thrift shop and thought my father would love to listen to them in hopes it'll be like a blast from the past type of thing. Maybe we'll spark up and listen to them together haha
Neptune, New Jersey USA - Wednesday, February 22, 2012 at 23:20:25 (EST)
My wife and I sold almost everything we owned at the time to pay for our trip to Woodstock. We arrived on the 15th and left on the 18th. We were camped out on a hill behind the masses so we had a good view, with the help of my binoculars brought back with me from Vietnam in 1968. It was at times hard to deal with all of the anti-war things going on around me but I didn't voice my opinion because the event was way to special to Linda and myself to ruin it with negativity. Music Lovers to this day To and Linda.
Tom Boggess
Portland, Oregon - Friday, February 10, 2012 at 16:39:01 (EST)
I was 16 years old, I went with 3 friends from Long beach. One of the best things in my life that I did Instead of wishing I had gone. It was a once in a lifetime experience. We were smart enough to go on Thursday, I guess we just it would be a mad house on the roads. All I can say is that you really had to be there to get it.
Steven kaufman
Long Beach , NY US - Thursday, February 09, 2012 at 12:24:42 (EST)
I tried to hitch-hike to Woodstock when I was 17 but got caught up in the northbound traffic mess on the East Coast in August of 1969. Rejected, I headed up back where I started on the Jersey Shore. The consolation was that I got tickets to a show that weekend at the Asbury Park Convention Hall and saw Led Zeppelin. They were the warm-up band for Joe Cocker. That was the first time that I was convinced that Led Zeppelin was the best band I even heard. I have never given up on them as my favorite band of all time to this very day. In fact as an avid fan I made it a point to see them again at Madison Square Garden in 1973. Little did we know at that time that they were filming a movie at that show in NYC..."The Song Remains the Same". That was the second time that Led Zeppelin has turned out to be a landmark in my life and I owed it all to my miscue on Woodstock!
Damon Bruno
Long Branch until 1975, NJ USA - Sunday, January 29, 2012 at 00:30:11 (EST)
Was 24 at the time. Just got back from spending some extended time overseas. I learned Swedish. Had a big hassle with the US Army and got my final discharge a few days before the concert. I was so burnt out from dealing with them that I just crashed. Missed it all. I guess the music and the video's will have to do it. I did jam with Richie Havens in NYC. He was pretty cool.
Bill Robinson
Maplewood, NJ USA - Thursday, January 19, 2012 at 00:59:52 (EST)
I was 13 years old. Went to summer school while my parents were traveling in Europe. I had a weekend break and talked my sister into going to this concert. Figured I'd get a ticket somehow. We got separated on day one. The next morning I walked around for 3 hours trying to find the car. I eventually realized that she had left ("I was bored and went home"). No shirt, no shoes no wallet.

I had a glorious time.

I was up for 3 days straight. Hitched back to NYC. They dropped me off by the GW bridge. A cop with a big blue coat and brass buttons bought me a subway token and a pair of flip flops. Went home and slept for 48 hours straight.
Daniel Doman
New York, NY US - Saturday, December 17, 2011 at 18:39:04 (EST)
We lived close enough to go and we decided not to. I was 24 and my wife and I had been married for two years, having just moved home from Texas where I was in the Army. We thought it would be too much of a mob scene and we would be surrounded by crazy young kids. And of course, we were right, but how I wish we weren't so stupid. The thing I remember about that weekend was the radio news coming from the New York stations. New York had two "all news" stations at that time, and several top 40 stations with reporters on the scene, as well as traffic helicopters and planes in the air. Updates were frequent, and the initial reports sounded like it was a bad scene. Throughout the weekend, some reporters played up the disaster side of it. Issues like food shortages and drug problems made the headlines. It wasn't until after the weekend was over that we realized, despite the media's panic, that it was an event we should not have missed.
Harrison, NY USA - Monday, December 05, 2011 at 14:07:47 (EST)
I am a 17year old doing a research paper on Woodstock for my history class. (I'm procrastinating right now.) Rock music wouldn't be what it is today without the Woodstock Festival. The four men who got the idea (John Roberts 24 years old, Joel Rosenman 27 years old, Artie Kornfeld 25, and Mike Lang also 25) original planned the festival to fund their consturction of a Rock 'N' Roll retreat and recording studio in Woodstock New York.The original location had been in an industrial park in Wallkill, a smaller town outside of Woodstock. A month or so before the event Wallkill passed a law banning the festival. A man named Max Yasgur saved Woodstock by offering the use of his Dairy farm near Bethel, New York. People started showing up before the workers had time to finish putting the fences and gates up, they were then forced to make it a free festival. Attracting many more people than the predicted 50,000 people. Half a million people attended Woodstock. In the end the founders were over $1million in debt and had 70 lawsuits filed against them. There is no way something like this would happen today.
Crystal WIlkerson
DEKALB, Illinois United States - Thursday, April 07, 2011 at 20:58:28 (EDT)
What a flashback finding your site. I was 15 at the time of woodstock and yes, a group of my friends and I had a plan to go without our parents finding out. Our age range was from 15 to 18,there was 7 of us.We did buy our tickets early $18 and we each told our parents that we were going to spend the weekend at each other's houses. We left on Thurs nite in a old cargo van that had pillows, sleeping bags and bean bags tossed all in the back.we arrvied early Friday morning and of course the rest is history. I will share one memory that my brother and I still laugh about. We were to the left of the stage and were tripping on some mighty fine acid,when Sha Na Na came on stage. Well we started to freak, Thinking at first that a bunch of greasers came up from NYC and were going to try and take over the concert. Of course we realized that wasn't true, but to this day we still crack up about it. Oh by the way our parents did find out and we were grounded, but it was worth it.
Phoenix, az USA - Wednesday, April 06, 2011 at 18:31:58 (EDT)
I was 19, we went up on Saturday, 4 guys and 3 girls in a '68 Firebird rag top. We were told that the concert had been cancelled and the girls rented a room for the night. Us guys were pissed since we had no place to stay and not enough money to rent a room anyway. So we decided to try to get to the concert site.

We drove in the general direction and when we hit a roadblock we detoured around it. We picked up hitch hikers who rode on the hood and trunk and no one bothered us. There was so much traffic that we could not go more than 25 mph. In the late afternoon we finally parked the car about a mile from Yasgar's farm and hiked in. We were handed a mimeographed sheet of paper telling us that we were part of the 4th largest nation on the planet as there were more than 300,000 people in attendance.

There were cottages that lined the road as we walked. The residents had signs offering to sell drinks of water from their garden hoses but we had wisely brought our own. We also carried a blanket, a chess board and 4 small kerosene lanterns that we used to illuminate the chess board after the sun went down.

My friend Dave and I sat far to stage right of the concert playing chess while our other two companions, both named Jack, went down to the lake to skinny dip. We sat there listening to Canned Heat and playing chess until the performances ended. Then we hiked out and drove the car to Monticello to get some dinner. We then decided to try to get back to the concert site and managed to drive directly to the entrance. While looking for a place to park we came across some people who said they were leaving and offered us their prepaid motel room.

We did not go back to the concert on Sunday, we picked up the girls and drove back to Brooklyn. Thank you God for keeping watch over 7 teenagers off on what may have been the greatest adventure of our young lives. My only regret is that I left my camera in the car and took no photos to prove we were there.
Chuck Simms
Tucson, Arizona uSA - Saturday, November 26, 2011 at 08:52:33 (EST)
Back then I was still living in the small town of Hornell, NY while looking at life and the draft. One of my best childhood buddies had enlisted in the Coast Guard and was stationed in a small town on the Hudson River and had mentioned a festival was going to happen and we ought to check it out if he could get leave? That was the beginning of the rest of our lives with memories that will last a life time, from being two of the naked bodies in the pond along with hundreds of others, smoking what ever was there, the music, the crowd, it was just every where you looked or crashed. Everybody just got along, shared what they had and lived the dream of the moment which I think we are all still getting a grip on while digesting what had happened to us all? A few years ago my wife was watching a documentary on Woodstock and happened to see people sliding down the hill in the mud and started screaming at me to hurry and see this part. I swear it was Larry Peterson and I with our arms around each other covered in mud just like it was yesterday and tears came down my cheeks as we watched. Years earlier I had told my wife about what we did and to this day I guess we will never know for sure but in my mind I know it was Larry and I!
Steven L. Covell
Thousand Oaks, California America - Thursday, November 03, 2011 at 13:00:35 (EDT)
I am only 19 years old but love to hear the stories of Woodstock, and would give any thing to go back to that era. Sadly growing up in the era I have the spirit of the people is no longer there, the music isn't nearly as good. Not only was the '60's full of good weed, LSD and other drugs, but it was full of love and free open spirits which is what we sadly lack in the world today. My step dad and uncle was both at the Festival and every chance I get I ask them to tell me one more memory that they had from Woodstock, and just pretend I was there with them, reading all your stories are truly inspiring and extremely beautiful. Many of you have the same memories as my family has told me but your point of views are entirely different. It has been very groovy to read each one of your stories and hope many many more stories will be posted

Matt C
WV - Sunday, October 09, 2011 at 17:47:36 (EDT)
I was 15 and me and my 16 year old buddy were driving around Saturday morning when we heard on the radio that there was a wild scene called Woodstock going on in NY, and Hendrix was going to be there! So we drove to Bethal NY (only about 2 hours) got about 5 miles from the concert, parked the car and started walking until we met a couple of girls who were camping. Ended up staying with them over night and went home the next morning! I guess we forgot we were supposed to see a concert! But I don't remember for sure!
Kingston, pa - Tuesday, September 27, 2011 at 17:28:35 (EDT)
I joined the Navy in 69, out of boot camp and stationed in Bainbridge, MD. Went to New York with one of my friends, Ron Stark and we bought tickets to Woodstock. We had short hair since we were military and really stood out but had a blast. I was so stoned that my memory is vague but, remember the hassle getting there, the rain, the music, the drugs, and most of all the two lovely little hippie girls that just blew me away. Never will there in the course of human history be an event that could ever come close to the essence of the times. I was so lucky to be there.
Carl Brent
Mobile, Alabama Mobile - Monday, August 29, 2011 at 05:04:27 (EDT)
Got there the wednesday before show & just hung out,me & friend hitched from Kearny,NJ,We left after Country Joe & the Fish sunday.ended up missing alot of good bands but after sleeping in mud or should I say hardly sleeping for 5 days was offered a ride home & I still to this day do not reme,ber anything about the ride home,probably slept all the way home & rest of riders have passed away,most memmorable moment for me was when Sly & Family Stone playing Want to Take You Higher & could feel the ground rumble under my feet from everyone stomping there feet,Also remember seeing alot of naked women & for a 16 year old was a really big deal
Greg H
Kearny[Bradley Beach], NJ - Sunday, August 21, 2011 at 10:53:17 (EDT)
I believe that your line up is based on the anticipated pre-show schedule. A few of Friday's performers had trouble getting there and were rescheduled for Saturday, and at least one opted to wait until it wasn't raining. (The Incredible String Band, who later admitted that coming in after Santana was a mistake; the crowd was already rocked out and they wanted the heavy stuff.) Here's the line up I have:
■Richie Havens (followed by Swami Satchidananda, who gave the invocation)
■Bert Sommer
■Tim Hardin
■Ravi Shankar
■Melanie Safka
■Arlo Guthrie
■Joan Baez
Saturday, August 16
■Country Joe McDonald
■John Sebastian
■Keef Hartley Band
■The Incredible String Band
■Canned Heat
■Grateful Dead
■Creedence Clearwater Revival
■Janis Joplin with The Kozmic Blues Band
■Sly & the Family Stone
■The Who

Sunday, August 17 to
Monday, August 18

■Jefferson Airplane
■Joe Cocker
■Country Joe and the Fish
■Ten Years After
■The Band
■Johnny Winter
■Blood, Sweat & Tears
■Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
■Paul Butterfield Blues Band
■Jimi Hendrix

Stuart, FL US - Tuesday, August 16, 2011 at 12:47:07 (EDT)
Was 16 at the time. Some guys from school and I were going to go. We had all got our tickets and were going to go in my VW Bug. My Dad found out, took not only the battery out of my car, but pulled the distributor as well. He told me he would break my legs if I tried to leave. He gave me a radio, plugged it in and said, "Here listen all you want". I listened to what I could on 89 WLS. My wife says she's glad I didn't go, as I would have partaken of a little 'Herb', a little wiskey and probably never come 'Down' to get home. To this day, whenever I here Joe Cocker sing "With A Little Help From My Freinds", I get cold chills. - I wonder ??????
Indiana - Monday, August 15, 2011 at 07:24:36 (EDT)
I came upon a posting that asked who the guitarist was for Paul Butterfield at Woodstock. That was Howard "Buzzy" Fieiten, a child wonder who jammed with Eric Clapton as part of Cream on their first tour of the U.S.
The comment has also been made that the performances were generally pretty poor. I would say that is true of many of the big name groups, particularly the Grateful Dead. They were so bad that Jerry Garcia later commented that it showed the loyalty of their fans that they remained popular after that miserable showing. Many of the best acts were complete unknowns, who afterwards went back to being complete unknowns.
I have several memories that I would appreciate if someone could fill me in on. One of them was at the final approach to the farm. We arrived a couple of days early and there was an "amusement park", carnival rides etc.? This was on the actual grounds of the festival, but it seemed to vanish by the time of the actual festival. Was I hallucinating? I suspect that someone who helped set up would know about this.
My second memory is that Janis Joplin performed on a live video projection onto a big screen, a great idea. However it was not shared with any other act. Anyone know anything about this?
Woodstock is great memory of what now feels like a long time ago. It is too large a story to capture in this context, but I am grateful for the opportunity to read the experiences of others.

Lee Wolfson
Mahtomedi, Minnesota United States - Friday, August 12, 2011 at 16:46:40 (EDT)
I was 19 at the time of the festival. Several days before the festival began a friend was telling me about it and we made vague plans to go. We knew some people who were going and tried to bum a ride with them without success. My friend Bob showed up at my house one morning with plans to hitch a ride, I said OK and we were off. I had $1.50 and a grabbed a can of lentil soup from my mothers cupboard. We put our thumbs out on Sunrise Highway and soon got a ride. West however far you can take us Bob said. Where are you going asked the driver? Woodstock! We got our first ride into Queens and we were let off at the on ramp to the Cross Island Parkway. Our next ride brought us to the Cross Bronx just after the toll booth. We walked quite a bit after that as there was no where anyone could safely stop. I remember how scary it was on the Cross Bronx getting through the underpasses on a thin catwalk, cars flying by beeping. A van flew by and someone yelled out the window. We didnt notice immediately but they had pulled over at the entrance to an off ramp about 200 feet up the road. We ran up to the van and some guy said get in and something about us getting killed on the road where we were. Where you guys going he asked. Woodstock! There was a brief silence and a short conversation between the driver and the other two guys. The guy who told us to get in said well so are we and you guys are a day too early It turns out that the guys in the van were part of the stage crew who were heading up to Bethel to make some modifications to the stage or so they said. The ride took about six hours with the last 10 miles being two of those three hours. We were let out of the van at a gated area across the street in back of the stage area. We spent the first several hours looking for people we knew were going there with the hope that we could join their camp and stay in their tent. That never happened. We ended up hanging out with a group of strangers at a camp site in a big circle around a fire. There was a station wagon with an amp and an electric guitar. I played a few tunes (The Doors) and Bob joined the party circle. With no place to stay we looked around for some kind shelter. On the road in back of the stage, not far from where we were dropped off there was a small stream which appeared to be part of a farm. There was a big barn off in the distance. We made our way to the barn and were stopped by a couple of girls from Ohio who told us it was private property. We spoke with the girls who were not willing to let us hang out with them. They had a small tent. They gave us a box of whit powdered doughnuts. Not far from the stream was a partially collapsed chicken coop which Bob and I took residence in during a brief downpour. The chicken crap was piled high on one end. We moved some things around and set up camp. Lentil soup for dinner out of the can heated over some burning sticks. Walking around aimlessly visiting different groups of people partying was the next event. Bob was in heaven, I was drug and alcohol free. Sleeping in the coop was manageable. The following morning we made our way along the stream which flowed under the street in back of the stage along the chain link fence left of the stage area. The fence had been completely trampled and we made our way in front of the stage about 100 feet back into the crowd and claimed a spot. As I recall there was a meditation chant before Richie Havens took the stage. I was in awe of the music. We stayed in that spot for several hours before we went on our search for food. The $1.50 and whatever Bob had bought us a hoagie, yum. There was a pickup truck with some guys giving out apples too. We were back and forth from the music to the off central parties, the announcements to get down from the scaffolds and the unsuccessful search for the Hog Farm. The evening of the second day after swimming in a pond we discovered the corn field. It was probable grain corn but it was not fully formed and cooked well in an open fire with 10 Years After barely audible in the background. Lack of food, water, proper shelter after others discovered our chicken coop and the unrelenting feeling of being soaked to the marrow made for a miserable but memorable experience. The last day proved to be just as interesting. Following the masses away from the fair grounds was a tiresome trek. People and cars moved at a slow but steady crawl. Some car owners allowed people to sit on their cars to ride out. Although this was no faster than walking it provided some rest. Someone overturned a pretzel vender who was charging way too much for stale damp pretzels and was handing out pretzels. We had a hand full and some guy in a car asked for one. We asked if we could sit on his car and he offered to us to get in rather than risk scratching his paint, a red firebird. The driver was from East Islip only about 10 miles from Patchogue where we started from. How fortuitous for us as we procured a ride home. I returned to Woodstock at Bethel some years ago. The small stream is still there on a nicely manicured private property with a ranch style home. The chicken coop and the barn are gone and the memories are fading but it still brings a smile to my face when people say with amazement. you were at Woodstock.
Sal LaFemina
Blue Point, New York - Wednesday, August 10, 2011 at 15:14:04 (EDT)
I was 17 that summer just graduated from High School in June, when a friend from Brooklyn phoned me and asked if I wanted to come up then go to a Concert later that summer little did I know the Odyssey that it would lead too. The best part is I came too two weeks after the concert in up state Vermont on a commune and made back to the Burgh in time to start classes, and I still use the pierced ear that I received that Friday..

Orlando, FL USA - Monday, August 08, 2011 at 18:36:58 (EDT)
Friends and I got all excited about going, but it was a week or two before the end of college summer quarter and we had projects due and exams . . . and, anyway, there would undoubtedly be others to go to.
Carolyn Buschbacher
Cincinnati, OH - Tuesday, August 02, 2011 at 21:07:02 (EDT)
Being at Woodstock left me feeling exhilarated and part of something so amazing. Being surrounded by the music, the hippies, the rain, the drugs and sex. A shameless feeling of freedom in every way. I thought this was the beginning of the "new world" that our generation would create. Since then, I have been saddened by the reality that our generation lost its way and became more materialistic than our parents generation. What a shame.
New York, NY USA - Wednesday, July 20, 2011 at 18:06:01 (EDT)
MAN it was the trip OF A LIFETIME. OH MAN,we got to NEW York State. Finally WEVE made it, BUT, little did we know IT WAS A LONG WAY yet to WOODSTOCK. We were 16 and 18 and I think David was 19 . Three Southern Hippies that heard of a Big Rock concert and decided to take a road trip. Im talkin we heard about it say on Sunday afternoon and headed out Monday morning in a 65 Chevy Bel Air. All it took was hearing Joe Cocker May be there and Joplin. WE WERE SET. Raided our savings and hit the road. We were lucky that no mechanical problems happened but my buddy Mike got bad sick from some things that grow in cow droppings and we had to take him to a hospital in Virginia. That held us up for about 12 hours and we made it by Wednesday I think. It was the greatest experience of my life and both my buds are passed now. Both from Cancer. We were friends for life. But it had to be the longest trip back I ever experienced. No air conditioner and it was so hot we were riding on fumes when we coasted in home. I wouldnt trade it for nothing. WE MADE SOME GOOD FRIENDS AND HAD SOME GREAT LIFE LONG MEMORIES TO TELL OUR KIDS. WOODSTOCK MEMORIES A SOUTHERN BOYS DREAM. We never new the history that was going to be. God Bless the Farmers that helped us out when we were n need of just a glass of water. It was like drinking HEAVEN. I WILL ALWAYS HAVE WOODSTOCK IN MY DREAMS. ELMO
BUM--CK, SC USA - Wednesday, July 13, 2011 at 13:52:23 (EDT)
I was 21 and my brother was 20 when we went. My brother went early and helped to set up. I arrived Friday afternoon with a couple of girls and had to sit far up the hill. I was feeling no pain and all of a sudden this shape came flying at me. It was my brother. How he found me in all those people(and in his compromised state) I'll never know.
One of the best experiences of my life.
Mike Rock
Syracuse, New York USA - Saturday, June 25, 2011 at 12:05:24 (EDT)
MUD hippies and drugs- oh yes the music- the hippies thought the farmers were stuip hicks- yea at $5 for a can of coke who is a jerk
new york, ny usa - Tuesday, May 31, 2011 at 19:26:38 (EDT)
I was living in Worcester, Mass. in 1969. I hitch-hiked to NYC in spring 1969 and saw a poster in a bookstore for an upcoming music festival to be held in upper N.Y.state later in the year. I kept this info in the back of my mind.I turned 19 in June.Later that summer I heard a buzz about the upcoming music festival I had seen a poster of. That Friday
evening of the first day of the festival a friend and I decided on the spur of the moment to hitch out to it. No food, money or supplies, just the clothes on our backs. We got to the entrance of the Mass Pike and were picked up by an old Cadillac ambulance. In it were a bunch of people who asked us where we were headed.I said we were going to this Woodstock thing.They were also headed there.I forget where they were from, maybe Boston, as I ran into them a couple of more times at other music venues after that. We stopped for gas at the Charlton rest area on the pike. There were other"freaks"(us included) at the rest area and the general consensus was EVERYBODY was going to Woodstock!
You could just "feel" the excitement building.I could sense that this was gonna be a BIG event.Back into the ambulance we all piled in, maybe eight or ten of us. Out come the pipes, the joints, and wine.
Rockin' & rollin', we get onto the New York Thruway. I remember at the toll booth, a hand drawn sign saying "Woodstock,exit something or other". I guess the attendant just got tired of being asked.
Now at some point during the night, My buddy and I are now in a car with a couple of other guys. I don't remember when,why or how we changed vehicles, but the four of us are getting close to the festival site, as there is unbelievable traffic and people everywhere. At this point I have no idea where we are, but I don't care. I remember a torrential downpour, and I'm glad I'm in a car, nice and dry. I remember asking the guys if they have any food, as I'm starving. They say they have some "brownies" that they made,help yourself. I don't know how much I ate, but it musta been quite a bit. The rain stops, and so does traffic.Somebody says to us to just pull over, as we couldn't drive any further.So we did.Now begins the long treck,and I don't know what I'm in for.
Mobs of people, all heading in one direction. All sorts of people, young, and not so young.It's hot and steamy. We walk and walk, what seemed like for miles.The further we go, the bigger the crowd gets. Finally, I hear music. I see a fence, towers, vehicles of all shapes and sizes parked everywhere around.We are at the backside of the stage. I hear this drum solo, and I think, this must be the Iron Butterfly doing "Inna-godda-davida", as I remember their name on the poster I saw in NYC.(Later when I saw the movie did I realize that it was Santana, whom I hadn't heard of at the time.I don't think they had released their first album as of yet.) We has to walk around the fence to get to the"seating" area to see the front of the stage.That was when I saw the ENORMOUNTY of the crowd. It was overwhelming to see the massive size of the crowd.As far as the eye could see, all the way up to the top of the hill. Thirsty as hell, somebody told us that there were concession stands at the top. So we trudged up and stood in line at a stand. When we got to the stand, they were sold out. Next stand, next line, same thing, sold out. Bumma, bumma. Back down the hill, there was some guys SELLING water, for a BUCK! Unheard of, selling water and for a buck!!! in 1969 !But hey, we were thirsty. I didn't have any money, But my buddy, Tommy Murphy, did have some, lucky for us. I remember seeing skinny-dippers at the pond.They didn't care who saw them.They was just digging it. So many people, doing so many things, partying, grooving,just having a good time. But Tommy had had enough.It was getting towards sundown and he wasn't much of a "freak".So we started the walk back towards the road, the highway, the Thruway.
I remember getting into a car full of girls. Don't remember where they were going, but I know I fell asleep leaning against one of them.

Anyways, it was Sunday morning, and I was back in Worcester.
I think I had fun, I don't remember alot of it, but what I do remember,I'll never forget.

Mondo Ronzoni
- Tuesday, May 31, 2011 at 14:33:46 (EDT)
I was 15 and went with a friend from summer school. I told my mother I was sleeping over my friend's house and he told his he was sleeping over mine. What an adventure that was. It was a weekend of firsts for us both. I won't get into specifics but I haven't been the same since :)

Did anyone find my sleeping bag?
Robert Burdick
Deerfield Beach, FL US - Tuesday, May 10, 2011 at 20:29:49 (EDT)
I am a 17year old doing a research paper on Woodstock for my history class. (I'm procrastinating right now.) Rock music wouldn't be what it is today without the Woodstock Festival. The four men who got the idea (John Roberts 24 years old, Joel Rosenman 27 years old, Artie Kornfeld 25, and Mike Lang also 25) original planned the festival to fund their consturction of a Rock 'N' Roll retreat and recording studio in Woodstock New York.The original location had been in an industrial park in Wallkill, a smaller town outside of Woodstock. A month or so before the event Wallkill passed a law banning the festival. A man named Max Yasgur saved Woodstock by offering the use of his Dairy farm near Bethel, New York. People started showing up before the workers had time to finish putting the fences and gates up, they were then forced to make it a free festival. Attracting many more people than the predicted 50,000 people. Half a million people attended Woodstock. In the end the founders were over $1million in debt and had 70 lawsuits filed against them. There is no way something like this would happen today.
Crystal WIlkerson
DEKALB, Illinois United States - Thursday, April 07, 2011 at 20:58:28 (EDT)
What a flashback finding your site.I was 15 at the time of woodstock and yes, a group of my friends and I had a plan to go without our parents finding out. Our age range was from 15 to 18,there was 7 of us.We did buy our tickets early $18 and we each told our parents that we were going to spend the weekend at each other's houses. We left on Thurs nite in a old cargo van that had pillows, sleeping bags and bean bags tossed all in the back.we arrvied early Friday morning and of course the rest is history. I will share one memory that my brother and I still laugh about. We were to the left of the stage and were tripping on some mighty fine acid,when Sha Na Na came on stage. Well we started to freak, Thinking at first that a bunch of greasers came up from NYC and were going to try and take over the concert. Of course we realized that wasn't true, but to this day we still crack up about it. Oh by the way our parents did find out and we were grounded, but it was worth it.
Phoenix, az USA - Wednesday, April 06, 2011 at 18:31:58 (EDT)
Woodstock is over rated musically - only CCR, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, The who, and C,S& N had more than 3 hits when they played santana - no, Grateful dead-no, etc. combined hits ( top 40 or more)-grand total -the greatest festivals ever was the Us festival 1& 2 -all bands at their prime- combined top 40 hits over 260- I agree all festivals are fun and woodstock had some great music but (have some guts - pass this on start a debate) but if you have any musical integrity-the US festivals rule-it was clean- run well=you could party and play pinball with rock stars - (I had backstage passes)Gang of Four the Ramones the dead the clash the kinks David Bowie ( Modern love tour) the Pretenders Ozzy B-52's Talking Heads inxs Van Halen Motley Crue Judas Priest Willie Nelson and many many others
Tacoma , Wa USA - Saturday, March 19, 2011 at 00:12:06 (EDT)
I ordered the 3 day ticket from an ad in the local paper and went up with 2 guys from home. We got there Friday afternoon and the fence was already down. As we drove toward the "place," the traffic just stopped and that's where we parked. Eddie's mom had packed a picnic basket, which we left in the car. We walked toward where everyone else was going, it was all abuzz with excitement. People were dressed in the most colorful manner, selling their wares along the newly trod path through the cool green woods. Merry pranksters were practicing t'ai chi, nursing babies, corralling flocks of kids of all ages. We walked up to and over the lip of the natural ampitheatre, walked down to a comfy spot on the grass about 30 feet from the stage and a bit on the stage left. I spied my cousins and their friends, ran to say hello. They told me where their tent was and I took a mental note, but by the time we tried to locate them the following day, the directions were all wrong. We three sat on our 2 sleeping bags...Moonbeam didn't bring one, but he drove. Everyone was quite cordial with their neighbors, anticipating but not knowing what we were in store for. Waiting in the heat we watched the workers putting the last touches on the stage and towers. We kept looking for our friends who were supposed to show up but we never found them. Friday went off like a dream until the well-documented rain. We slid down behind the stage in the mud and took cover in a stand of trees in our two sleeping bags. Moon and I quarrelled but still shared the sleeping bag. Eddie left the next day, he was too bummed out by our spat, but left the picnic basket for us. We ate, found a place to pee, and wash up a bit, then parked the sleeping bag in a tight section near the few consessions and never-ending two-way foot traffic on the ridge. We communed with our new neighbors for the Saturday line-up, slept in that spot, and woke up hungry to Grace Slick. Sunday we ate dry granola, water, and enjoyed more music until the rain came again. I stood up and said I'm going home, so I missed Jimi. Yeah, it changed my life.
Lorri Spada
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Tuesday, March 15, 2011 at 00:04:48 (EDT)
I was born in 1978, so obviously I was not at woodstock. But in Highschool I did an essay on woodstock and ever since I have been in love with knowing more about it. My father who was 19 yrs old at the time of woodstock DID ATTEND! I have heard his story of the event over a million times, but never get tired of hearing it! I have enjoyed very much reading other people's experiences of woodstock. Ohhhh what I would have given to see Joplin sing!!!!
Round Rock, Texas - Friday, March 04, 2011 at 18:48:54 (EST)
I had just gotten back from the Nam in 68 and married in 69 with a baby on the way and decided not to go as I had enough of sleeping in mud. The wife and I were taking a ride north of the Mohawk river and stopped for a young fellow with a back pack. When I asked him where he was going he said to Woodstock. He had no idea of where that was and was headed in the wrong direction. So we took him all the way to route 20 and 10 and headed him south on 10, he only had about 100 miles to go, hope he got there.

I am watching the movie on TV tonight and have no regrets, but it was a significant event fo the sixties.
Bill Allen
Remsen, NY USofA - Friday, March 04, 2011 at 00:48:40 (EST)

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Last Updated: 2017-07-24