Comments on Woodstock 1969
Page 3

Woodstock 1969 music festival logo with white dove on guitar neck
Your Comments about Woodstock 1969.
July 02, 2005 thru May 27, 2007

Comments start (July 02, 2005)
at the bottom of the page.

At the end of the summer of '69, i was off to san francisco. thought that this festival in up state n.y. was a great way to leave the metropolitan area, and prepare for my journey to the land of my dreams..bought a ticket in the village prior to the event. traveled up state w/ a group of friends from west virgina. we spent the night at a summer home owned by my friends parents. the next morning, her dad gave us a ride to the site. as we got closer, cars were parked on all sides of the said "you're on your own from here". we got out and started walking.finally got to what was the entrance.the night before the gates were torn down. from here on it was a free festival in every sense of the word.

we were introduced to west coast bands that were fresh and new. i have been listening to music all of my life. folk led into rock and the rest was history. in '66 i attended west virginia university. the first thing i did after getting settled in my room, was to find a music venue. thru this club, i met larry, norris, tom, john
who had a band called "the glass managerie". it was love at first sight. this group was the "rootstock" of the band called "the mind garage" i digress. woodstock continues to be a part of how i try to live my life. max yasgar let us use his farm for an event that changed the world. i believe this with all my spirit. you see, i work out of an art studio in goldengate park in san francisco. the beat goes on...thanks jimi, sly, david, steve, graham, janis, wavy gravy, chip, arty, robbie and the boys..i know bob would of had a great time...the beat goes on..
richard leaf
san francisco, ca usa - Sunday, May 27, 2007 at 06:55:03 (EDT)

I am really not qualified to comment on this music but my parents are of the Woodstock generation and I have been IN LOVE with this music ever since I was a little girl.... this music was really ahead of its time and people from my generation don't fully understand that and appreciate what has come before them in a way that I think they should... these musicians WERE musicians and they could actually sing live and "go off". I have such respect for them and the contributions that they made to the history of music... AMAZING!! I only wish that I could have been around at that time to experience such brilliancy and genius.
BC Canada - Thursday, May 03, 2007 at 17:04:15 (EDT)

I wasn't even born during woodstock but by looking at the line up it gets me crazy to know i missed such a remarkable concert. Music today is so horrible nothing like this could ever happen again. It's funny looking at the declined invites because now that the musicians (ones that are still alive) look back on it and how much impact it made in music, they must have regretted that decision for a while
- Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 18:11:25 (EDT)

black dog: check out the beginning of track 8 on Neil Young - Live (The Needle and the Damage Done) - it sounds like a copy of what you are looking for. No Rain, No Rain, No Rain, No Rain...

Homewood, CA USA - Monday, April 23, 2007 at 18:04:51 (EDT)

I used LImewire to find music then one day i found this thing called woodstocks cd 1 by unknown. the files was just the sound of people at some event, and it was raining. some guy says " look behind you! Look behind you! The rain! The rain!" the whole thing is sort of interesting. there was a tower in the place and all of the sudden someone yelled- " If you think really hard maybe we can stop the rain!" By the end it has everyone yelling " NO RAIN NO RAIN NO RAIN NO RAIN! Iv'e been searching ever since to find were this file is from.
black dog
McKinney, Texas United States - Sunday, April 08, 2007 at 18:00:55 (EDT)

I was in High School in Virginia when I heard on a faint radio station from somewhere in NY that "a festival to be held in upstate NY next summer" would feature Jimi Hendrix. That's all I needed to hear, I was there! As I recall this was around February or March; nobody I knew had heard anything about it. I bought tickets for Saturday and Sunday. We didn't make Friday for two reasons: it was "folk" night and I had no interest in those bands, and--since neither I nor my friend (the Who fan) drove--my father (who had to work Friday) was taking us on what was supposed to be a camp-out!

In the days leading up to the the festival, THE national news story was that a multitude of hippies was converging on a farm in Bethel, NY. This publicity, of course, merely served to hype the festival thus attracting more people (most of whom I suspected knew nothing of the festival until then).

We left Virginia early Saturday morning. "By the time we got to Woodstock," the NY State Police had closed off exits on Rt.17 about 11 miles from the site. Cars were parked on the shoulders and median for as far as the eye could see in both directions. I walked up to a nearby trooper and, waving my tickets, insisted that he let us through. "We have tickets!" Needless to say, he was unimpressed. What to do? Do we leave my Dad's car on the highway and hump a ton of camping gear eleven miles in the August heat? Fat chance!

So...we left. We drove into NYC for breakfast where the trunk of the car was broken into and robbed while we ate and, afterwards, was involved in a fender-bender when my father went the wrong way down a one-way street!! Twelve years later I was held up--again in NYC--and robbed of three dollars, my watch, and my Woodstock tickets, which I carried in my wallet! Bummer, as we used to say.

Last summer my wife and I drove up to the festival site and saw that it's been converted--unsurprisingly--into an outdoor concert amphitheatre. I think CSN played the inaugural gig there....

PS - Artie Kornfeld, you still owe me $18!!
New York, NY USA - Saturday, April 07, 2007 at 13:15:33 (EDT)

I arrived at Woodstock on the 3rd day. Originally I was going to purchase tickets (advertised in the Boston Globe) but didn't have the cash...after the event exploded on the news and it became apparent you didn't need a ticket, a friend of mine offered to drive if I would go with him. We drove through the night arriving just after sun up. The State Police had exits closed on Rte. 17 but he passed an off ramp and then reversed direction up an on ramp (good thing there was no traffic) and we drove within a few miles of the site. Hitched a ride in on the trunk lid of a limo and were able to see Jefferson Airplane and, later, Joe Cocker. Vivid memories of Wavy Gravy and the tremendous heat/humidity followed by a thunderstorm that dropped temperatures so quickly we were all shivering. Very odd but I ended up sitting in that crowd of thousands, looked to my right and saw a couple I had picked up hitching in Mass. a month or so earlier...went over and said "hi" and they were floored as well! Small world! I was 17 and my jaw dropped to see so many people that (I felt) I could identify with. It was a great event, wonderful time and (occasionally) I miss my "youth". It was long ago and far away but a memory I cherish.
K. Blake
NH - Sunday, March 04, 2007 at 12:34:33 (EST)

Didn't get to go to Woodstock but I wish I could have. Santana,Jimi,and Janis were awsome. I could listen to Santana all day. That was a apecial time. We couldn't do it again, it just wouldn't be right. The times, place, people, and moments were just right. Plus, our cars would get stolen now if we left them on the highway.
Peace out man.
60's spirit
TN - Monday, February 12, 2007 at 18:07:24 (EST)

Wow---the items you have sound amazing---I have no idea of value but I would think it would be quite a bit---Those will be great in the museum---
C. Baker
Lenexa, Kansas USA - Sunday, February 11, 2007 at 11:09:30 (EST)

I was not at the festival but visited the site before, and with my wife and children (two were there opening night with adult friends of ours) the day following from our home in Monticello, 10 miles away. We took down handwritten notes, written on all kinds of things imaginable, from the large tree (which was used as a bulletin board - no cell phones in those days!) at the intersection of Hurd Road, near the stage. We are now loaning them (13), obviously one of a kind, together with an original Bethel site poster, the original three set LP music album and several mint condition tickets, including the three day one, to the new museum at the site. We advise you of this not only because we assume that it will be of interest to you and others, but also because we are attempting to establish a dollar value of the handwritten notes. Did not know about your web site until I discovered it researching values for insurance for the items we are loaning. Thanks for "listening", and if anyone can help us with an appraised value of the notes, it will be appreciated!
- Wednesday, February 07, 2007 at 17:42:20 (EST)

Karen----I think you are thinking of Alvin Lee----the band is Ten Years After---
C. Baker
Lenexa, ks usa - Friday, January 26, 2007 at 15:28:46 (EST)

yeah, i totally think we could have another woodstock(ish) concert. The problem with 99 was the bands. I mean Limp Bizkit? Kid Rock? fuck no.

Bands like The Flaming Lips, moe.(hey maybe even a phish reunion?), String Cheese Incident, White Stripes, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Bright Eyes, Bruce Springsteen....hell maybe even Bob Dylan, or Neil Young. Just some good mellow bands and not the heavy metal frat boy rap/rock shit at 99. Or hell how about have a stage where you and your band could get up for about 30 minutes and jam...I think that it'd be amazing.

and in the similar style to woodstock not charge people. It's probaly not capable in todays fucked up consumer run world but it would be nice. Just some 3 days of peace love and happiness. It'll probaly never happen but as John Lennon once said "You may say Im a dreamer but Im not the only one"

peace. love. unity.
stl, Mo US - Monday, December 18, 2006 at 18:47:37 (EST)

QUESTION??? I couldn't go, but watched to movie. Who was it at the end of the movie, a blonde longhaired guitar player, and his band that played the best jam in the movie? He looked like he was having an orgasm doing the song. What band was that, was that song published, what album could I find it on, and was he the writer of the song? I never saw him anywhere else other than on the movie. Thanks for your help. Karen
Chicago, IL USA - Saturday, December 02, 2006 at 12:55:20 (EST)

Everyone is so impressed with woodstock and the whole meaning of the remarkable concert,that now in 2006 the very same thing is happening in this world!I am 33 years old and very upset with our youth! Young men and women are dieing in a war without real reason!The government is taking our rights away and running us like we area communist nation! Wake up america,Where is our abby hoffman? We have to unite now to make peacful change to this nation and this world!I love woodstock! My parents were die hard hippies and to this day they hardly where shoes! But come on everyone let the world hear your voice! lets make love not war!History is repeating itself and none of our youth has the balls to stand up for what is right,and for what needs to be comunicated and changed! To the youth,the draft is coming for you now, and it will happen soon. Stand up and unite!
Big H
kent, ohio usa - Friday, December 01, 2006 at 13:19:48 (EST)

I read one of the earlier comments and noticed that somebody was pissed off because CCR was not on the film. According to an interview with Stu Cook, John Fogerty felt that it would be bad for the band to be on the movie (I forgot what the exact reason was).

Too bad. There isn't too much film footage of CCR live that I've seen and I have a feeling that not too much really exists. It would've been awesome to capture them at Woodstock!
Petaluma, CA USA - Monday, November 20, 2006 at 00:40:02 (EST)

Thanks for the info. I was wanting to know who all was there at Woodstock and to see the songs they did as well was really cool. I wasn't there as I was born in '65 but I would have been if I could've...I think it must have been so awesome,,I'd like to hear and see pictures from someone that was there, and hear their stories...
- Thursday, November 16, 2006 at 10:31:06 (EST)

My dad was at Woodstock. he is always telling me stories of what happened during those few days. he has been diagnoised with a type of skin cancer and his wish is to have the entire Woodstock on a cd collection. he has it on albumn but he wants it on cd to finish his collection. does anyone have any clue where i could find it? if you do please email me at thank you!
Meridian, MS USA - Wednesday, August 16, 2006 at 23:20:15 (EDT)

Can anyone tell me the address of where it happened? thanks
nancy baysinger
Bryn Mawr, Pa USA - Monday, August 14, 2006 at 20:14:05 (EDT)

Hey, In a one an a million chance I was cruising this Woodstock site and saw your question of June 21.
I was at Woodstock, and also was a huge fan of Paul Butterfield long before the concert. I had been to see him many times in NYC. Originally I was devastated when Bloomfield disappeared from the band. But all the times I had seen Butterfield he had a young second guitarist who backed up Bloomfield. Obviously as second fiddle to Bloomfield he didnt get to play much, but with Bloomfield gone he took over as lead. I remember the first time I saw him play lead - I was blown away by how good he was and quickly got over the departure of Bloomfield.
His name is Elvin Bishop. He took over lead guitar of the Butterfield band and then went on to form his own band and released many CDs of is own. He was the guy playing lead guitar for Butterfield at Woodstock.
Keep the memory alive,

Canada - Friday, July 07, 2006 at 00:51:08 (EDT)

Please who was the young guitarist that tore it up with "The Paul Butterfield Blues Band"? Of course I know it wasn't Micheal Bloomfield. Some one please tell me... Thanks
- Wednesday, June 21, 2006 at 23:22:59 (EDT)

I thought that I rememberd everything, but when I looked at the list of players," I don't remember a lot who played. It must of been the acid!. Oh ya, the there was nothing wrong with the brown acid.After I came back, my memory hasn't been the same. I don't know why!Any ways there were 33 of us from Brockton, Ma. and we all made history.
BROCKTON, MA. U.S.A. - Friday, June 16, 2006 at 09:29:44 (EDT)

Thanks very much to smash for identifying that CSN song - tracked it down - brilliant
London, - Friday, May 26, 2006 at 07:50:10 (EDT)

man, i was there ad it was awesome. sometimes i still feel as though i'm livin in those days, when all you needed was a good song, after all, they are the universal language! peace :O)
Sascha Bouvier
Carlsbad, CA USA - Friday, May 05, 2006 at 00:19:40 (EDT)

i was there

and i thank god all mighty for the experience. i tripped on over to nana idas bungalow colony in south fallsburgh rite before heading over to yasgurs farm in white lake ...needed some of her amazing cinnamon raisin bunz..

( ECHO LAKE MANOR) family spent the summers @ the manor for eons ...also had fun at the nemerson and windsor hotels...( but thats another story for another time). ha ! ha!

hitched a ride thru the back door corridor just west of old rt 17 to monticello

went back to the campsite opposite the yasgur farm pond

and found a few "settlers" "CLAIM JUMPERS" sleeping in my tent...

woke them up and chased the varmints away and began the new dawn...

sande the sandman
wellington, florida us of a - Thursday, May 04, 2006 at 06:36:27 (EDT)

To Chas in London, the song you seek is Long Time Gone by Crobsy Stills and Nash, their music punctuates the whole film. (it's on the firts CSN album).

To all the other beautiful people - For a very alternative take on Joni's 'Woodstock' featruing Soundgarden (I know but trust me - it works!) check out and click on the audio link at the top then scroll down to "Like Woodstock" and click the album cover - enjoy :o)

Smash XXX
- Monday, May 01, 2006 at 10:39:59 (EDT)

More than a comment, this is a request for help!

Would anyone out there know, who wrote this poem/song?

""We talked of hippies and flowers and rainbows and dope,
Of politics and art and the structure of hope.

Strange nights and days of colours in the air,
Waiting hopelessly for roses by the stair.

As the world showed its affection for those who were faking it,
We got kicked out of school for spreading love and kicked out of home for making it.

This isnt the start of a new era, there isnt even a new plan,
I just hope this one's a little better than the last one.""

SFO, CA USA - Thursday, April 27, 2006 at 01:42:46 (EDT)

I wasn't there, but man I feel like I just missed it! And Im more than sure, Chas..without even watching it, it's "Goin' up the Country"-Canned Heat.
Thank you to everyone who took part in the experience and never letting the memories die. The stories will last for yeeeaaarrrss to come. Jah Bless!
Austin Liebst
Wichita, KS USA - Tuesday, April 18, 2006 at 07:23:17 (EDT)

i wasnt at woodstock but i wish i was there it would have benn awesome to see the who, jimi hendrix, and the grateful dead!!! thnx for all the postede stories u all helped me a lot
des moines, iowa united states - Friday, April 14, 2006 at 15:36:53 (EDT)

I think this site is parents are big hippies, my mom attended Woodstock when she was just 8 years old with her father, my grandfather, who was a mom doesn't remember much, but there are pictures...Jimi, Janis, Sha-Na-Na...amazing...I just wish I could've been there...
Have a beautiful day!
yes after the Zappa child
D-town , Ohio USA - Thursday, April 13, 2006 at 14:31:27 (EDT)

I was at woodstock in my past life. I was a tall redhead with freckles. I loved Janis Joplin and Jefferson Airplane. That is all I remember. I believe my life ended by an overdose.
- Wednesday, April 12, 2006 at 10:21:10 (EDT)

Does anyone know what the very opening song is on the Woodstock DVD? (the one which is playing when they're building the stage etc.) Need to know!
London, - Saturday, April 08, 2006 at 15:16:08 (EDT)

this site is awesome i love it thanks for createing it dude!
JR Atkins
Hopkinsville, KY Uninted States - Wednesday, April 05, 2006 at 23:34:44 (EDT)

My uncle went to woodstock, and said that half of the artist there played horrible.after watching a bunch of videos, i realized he was right. But anything Jimi plays is good
- Friday, March 03, 2006 at 17:46:38 (EST)

hey guys, loved this site, im doing a little research i loved it, helped so much, wish i was there, but i couldnt, wasnt born....:( feel like a major hippie, but hey,m who cares when you having a good time tho heh? lol, peace guys
- Friday, March 03, 2006 at 14:18:02 (EST)

Hi Everyone.

I'm a radio presenter and journalist here in England, and would like to construct a radio project on Woodstock 69 over the next three years ahead of the 40th anniversary.

If you were at the concert - and maybe in the film too - I hope you would also like to be part of my project. I plan to visit the States in late 2006.

Obviously I need to plan where I need to go!

If you would like to take part, please e-mail me at the following address:

I'm off to watch the film again now and see them construct the stage, wishing it was all happening this weekend!

London, UK - Sunday, February 05, 2006 at 22:26:19 (EST)

The Single graetest thing in my life. Nothing will ever replace it. I mark it as the end of the best decade of music. The only problem with it is that the greatest band of that decade were not present, THE DOORS!!! Otherwise it Rocked

Haley Thomason
New York City, New York United States - Friday, January 27, 2006 at 23:51:35 (EST)

When i went to woodstock it was the MOST incredible thing i had ever been to the vibe was so knarly and wonderful it was full on hippie life and i loved it . nothing since the awesome WOODSTOCK has beaten it. it is and will always be the best concert/festival till the end of time. it has made history and i will cherish my time that i had there.
Calabasas, California U.S.A - Sunday, January 22, 2006 at 19:26:18 (EST)

Thank you for the great respect for me in your comments. I love you all or I would not have resigned as head of rock at Capital to go off in the woods with Lang, saw him last week. Havens and Sebastian contact me .. Read my Book IT IS THE REAL DEAL, email at, I LOVE YOU ALL FOR ETERNITY, Artie
Artie Kornfeld
Delray Beach, Fl USA - Friday, January 20, 2006 at 20:10:38 (EST)

jimi hendrix was obviously who everyone wanted to listen to which is why the saved him for last. I dont see why they didnt call led zeppelin maybe they declined or werent considered.
kevin bustillo
miami, FL US - Saturday, January 14, 2006 at 18:01:28 (EST)

wow , Artie Kornfeld just posted below me , haha ... kewl .

Thanks for everything mr Kornfeld , and greetings from Serbia !

raffinkoff , to answer your post - I've emailed that guy ... friendly fellow , but mighty busy ... here's what I've only managed to find on the net though :

some interesting stuff there ... only 40 kbps , but ... complete Dead set at Woodstock ... Joplin's ... CCR ... The Band's ...

there was also a complete Who set at Woodstock bootleg , great soundboard recording , posted on one great Italian site , but now it seems to be down ... here's the link for its multimedia though :

Cheers ,

Novi Sad, Serbia Serbia - Sunday, December 25, 2005 at 23:49:55 (EST)

Great feeling hitting on your site today. The rewards to me are so much more than any financial or ego place could go.I love you and love what we, hopefully, still stand for. Thank you. A fan of Woodstock 69'. Get my book as I poured out a view you would never see or know and it adds a liitle more to the memorie. Not ever going to recoup what the book cost in time and bread to do. The fences are down, the concert memory is free and enjoy the holidays. SPEAK OUT AGAINST THE MADNESS, CSNY
Artie Kornfeld
Delray Beach, Fl USA - Thursday, December 22, 2005 at 15:33:22 (EST)

Was one of the youngest volunteers at Woodstock - I was only 15.
There are some so call Woodstocks - The only TRUE Woodstock is the
one held in August 1969
John Patterson Jr.
Gulf Breeze, Florida USA - Saturday, November 19, 2005 at 15:15:13 (EST)

want the 60's back. Listen to all the music I can get a hold of. I'm
57 dancing around with my 3 year old granddaughter. Loved being a
hippy, STILL AM...............
mojo crawford
craig, co usa - Tuesday, November 15, 2005 at 17:08:18 (EST)

On to Woodstock,
Sha Na Na is a pathetic choice, that was crap.I just wonder why the
Stones weren't invited. I can understand The Beatles because of
their problems with John and Yoko, but the only think that set back
the Stones was the death of Brian Jones. To think of it, many
English bands weren't invited at all except The Who and Jeff Beck
might have shown up, but that was it. Think of all the variety that
would've went on if English bands were called up. You could've had
even another day.Some bands they missed out on

The Rolling Stones
The Dirty Mac
Pink Floyd (Piper at the gates of dawn action)
The Moody Blues and
Procol Harum
The Yardbirds

Some bands that were from North America that weren't there were

The Doors
The Byrds
Bob Dylan
Steppenwolf and
Simon & Garfunkel

- Monday, November 07, 2005 at 21:13:40 (EST)

This guy says he has 80% of the Woodstock sets. I'm not clear on
whether he has actual recordings from the Woodstock festival or if he
just pieced together studio and live versions of the songs played at
Woodstock, but you might try emailing him to see what he has or
atleast what his sources are. I would be interested to know what you
find out. Good luck!
USA - Thursday, October 27, 2005 at 13:39:59 (EDT)

I´m looking for a CD collection from Woodstock 1969 with ALL artists
and their COMPLETE set list. Could anybody help me where I can get

Forchheim, Bavaria Germany - Thursday, October 27, 2005 at 03:29:21 (EDT)

I wasn't at Woodstock, but I've been watching the movie and listening
to the music since I was a kid. Peter Griffin from Family Guy has a
small penis. Santana's set has soooo much energy! I'm guessing
about 3 inches. Too bad the Dead had so many problems with their
set. Peter Griffin from Family Guy secretly jerks off to gay porn.
I love you Peter Griffin from Family Guy. Someday you'll realize
you're a hippie too.
Subliminal Man
D-Town, Ohio USA - Tuesday, October 25, 2005 at 10:59:46 (EDT)

woodstock ws fun...i can't remember half the things i did....but i
loved santana....and hendrix....u kno..did CCR play..i forget...but im happy that i got to c all these acts...
no one
- Saturday, October 22, 2005 at 16:32:34 (EDT)

PISSES ME OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...jimi hendrix was
awesome... same with santana and every sIngle other band that
latino bastard
fort frances, ontario canada - Friday, October 21, 2005 at 18:26:37 (EDT)

it was amazing totally fetch
classic rock is dead
peace out to jimi hendrix
quedro penedro
new york, new york america - Tuesday, October 18, 2005 at 21:32:13 (EDT)

Back when I was 39, in '69, I went to Woodstock. Needless to say, I
hated it. But Sha-Na-Na was great. A friend of my friend's cousin
said that Elvis would be performing 46 songs at Woodstock! BUT ELVIS
WASN'T EVEN THERE! I camped out for 4 days with all those rancid-
smelling, coke snorting, retarded hippies! For nothing! I hope those
fucking hippies go fuck themselves!
Walter Landesman
New York, NY USA - Friday, October 14, 2005 at 16:21:57 (EDT)

pORTLAND, oREGON USA - Friday, October 14, 2005 at 14:51:13 (EDT)

the best rock band ever are the doors. there manager was a
inspiration to me. the 60's were the best!!!!
melbounre, victoria australia - Wednesday, October 12, 2005 at 23:10:02 (EDT)

First we put men on the moon, then in the next month there was
Woodstock. It was the high water mark of western civilization.

If there is a Heaven, it will be 1969 forever. Except with laptops,
cellphones, Ipods, etc.
JT Clark
naples, Fl USA - Tuesday, October 11, 2005 at 23:55:06 (EDT)

i was at woodstock for the longest time. i was there days in advanced
and left days after cuz i was fucking stoned
new york, new york usa - Tuesday, October 11, 2005 at 20:25:26 (EDT)

Henrique...I was at the festival site 5 weeks ago and captured the
lat/longs with my portable GPS.

N41 42.149/W074 52.899 will put you right on the memorial plaque.

N41 42.100/W074 52.814 will put you in the center of the stage.
Candia, NH USA - Thursday, October 06, 2005 at 22:18:45 (EDT)

this is for who lives actually at the place where was the Woodstock
event: please do you have latitude and longitude of this place? This
is for Google Earth, I try to find. thanks
brazil - Tuesday, October 04, 2005 at 23:23:12 (EDT)

Led Zeppelin was giong to play at woodstock but they decided to play
in the ukk instead.
- Tuesday, October 04, 2005 at 15:36:16 (EDT)

I live in Woodstock.
Woodstock , Ga USA - Monday, October 03, 2005 at 03:21:32 (EDT)

that would be incredible.
but there really isnt any music today that would keep the idea of
having a peaceful loving time. look what happened at woodstock
99....dont noticing ALOT more people getting into tthe
music of the 60's good psychadelic music is making a comeback!!
- Friday, September 30, 2005 at 19:23:34 (EDT)

hey you guys but i think some how we should all create a woodstock of
our own, i know it wont be the same but we should try!!! we our the
new genration and we could make a change!! look whats happenin' in the
world ! we need make a change and if we have enought people to help we
so all of you out there for another hippie reveloution!! mail me at
ny, ny usa - Friday, September 30, 2005 at 19:17:56 (EDT)

jimmy hendrix was the best, with Star Spangled Banner....what a
Alejandro Rey de Castro
Lima, Lima Peru - Thursday, September 29, 2005 at 22:14:23 (EDT)

I wish i could have gone to woodstock, but unfortunately i wasn't
present at the time as i was born in 90.I love old music, especially
from the 50's up until the 80's. They just dont make music like they
used to anymore..
australia - Saturday, September 24, 2005 at 19:46:41 (EDT)

I have the DVD of Woodstock '69, and those 3 days of August 69 were
Santana, Canned Heat, Sly, Country Joe, Ten Years after, The Who are
my favorites, are unforgettables.

Jose Antonio Alvarez
Lima, Perú - Saturday, September 24, 2005 at 10:43:35 (EDT)

I was at Woodstock '69. It was the best time for me,i has a baby
girl!!!! I made myself go into labor, just so i could have my baby at
the most wonderful place in the world. That was the moment in my life
that i could be me and everyone loved everyone. I went into labor
when Sha-Na-Na was on stage and by the time Jimi came on stage i was
almost there, then my little girl was born. I named her Isabella Jo.
I have often wished that i could have had those three days back that
i was there. I would do it a thousands times over again.

Maria Blackmon
Little Rock, AR usa - Wednesday, September 21, 2005 at 01:07:10 (EDT)

I for one am glad to see continued interest in this historic event.
Not to make a pitch...but here goes... Every year I host a radio
show dedicated to the Anniversary of the Woodstock Music & Art
Fair. Using the setlist above I attempt to recreate the happenings
at the festival.

Tune in on the interent at Saturday August
28, 2005 from 3 to 9PM for a celebration of the 36th Anniversary of
the Woodstock Festival.

College Park, Maryland USA - Friday, August 26, 2005 at 13:29:26 (EDT)

I was 17, heading into my senior year in high school..i was very
inspired by woodstock, even though i didn't attend...soon after i
saw many of the acts in concert...Sly, Santana, Dead, Johnny
Winter...on and on...I've played guitar since 1969..have a band --
blue sky cd's available on
leeds, maine usa - Sunday, August 21, 2005 at 12:14:39 (EDT)

P.S. congrats to the former Woodstock preservation alliance. Except
I'd love to see the original site actually used for similar events,
not just held empty... the latter would not be in the spirit of
Woodstock at all.
Seattle, WA USA - Sunday, August 21, 2005 at 10:09:32 (EDT)

I was in kindergarten in 1969... yowtch :-(. Seeing the marathon of
the Woodstock movie this weekend on VH-1 really gives me the itchies
to go back in time. Guess I got a bit of hippie in me, man, and it's
pretty far out. :-)
Seattle, WA USA - Sunday, August 21, 2005 at 10:05:52 (EDT)

I feel the same as Flower Child. I'm also only 16 but im interesting
in the believes and the feelings of woodstock '69. It was such a
wonderfull festival. I saw the dvd and i was so suprised about all
the love and the relaxing vibe at the festival. everyboy was kind
and nice to each other, skinny dipping togheter in some dirty water.
everything was fine. everything was good. such a festival as that,
is what today's world needs. fuck the war, listen to music, lay back
and smoke some pot (its allowed here in holland ;))

kisses Kim
Tilburg, The Netherlands - Thursday, August 18, 2005 at 15:26:04 (EDT)

I'm only 16 but i worship Woodstock, Ive even got it tattooed across
my back!!it's the only time in history people have got together and
appreciated real music and the things that matter in life...I'm so
sick of war and shit...why doesnt everyone just share a joint, and
lax out to sum hendrix!!Stuff the future all the world needs is to go
back to the 60's!
Flower child
New Zealand - Tuesday, August 16, 2005 at 20:18:23 (EDT)

Bill Calvo
did you go to woodstock?!

share stories! im dying to hear some!
- Friday, July 22, 2005 at 15:13:37 (EDT)

what a three day trip man! what a trip
Bill Calvo
Waterbury, Connecticut USA - Wednesday, July 20, 2005 at 23:58:09 (EDT)

From: (Former) Woodstock Preservation Alliance
Dedicated to the Historic Preservation of the Site of the 1969
Woodstock Music and Arts Fair

Joanne Hague (Blakely PA), Brad Littleproud (Pickering, Ontario
Canada), Michael Wm. Doyle, Ph.D. (Muncie, Indiana), Martie Malaker
(Scranton, PA) Melissa Sue Lapointe (Stanbridge East, Quebec,
Canada), Timothy Dicks (Norwich, New York )

Website Address:

Well friends Its been almost a year since a core group of
preservation activists, under the banner of the Woodstock
Preservation Alliance, wrapped up their challenge to the development
plans of the Bethel Woods - Center for the Arts, to place permanent
structures on and around the original historic site of the 1969
Woodstock Music and Arts Fair, in the small Catskills town of Bethel,
New York. The challenge to the project managers - the Gerry
Foundation, took many forms - from petitions to formal advocacy at
State and Federal levels. The persistent lobbying for a public voice
in the planning of this world-class performing arts center realized a
90 percent reduction in the proposed Core Complex on the plateau
above the famed festival bowl amphitheatre. With such a reduction,
and given that compromises are more often the rule than the exception
in contemporary historic preservation battles, we preservationists
were satisfied that within the Bethel Woods complex the original 38-
acre Woodstock Festival site has largely been left as it was in 1969
for future generations to appreciate. Opposed to the original vision
for Bethel Woods, the revised plans for the festival site ensured
that the former Yasgurs Farm - known worldwide from the 1970
Academy Award winning documentary WOODSTOCK - would remain in its
original state as much as possible, for generations to come.

As testimony to the efforts made to preserve this piece of global
history, a new website has been constructed that chronicles several
years of a tireless labor of love. This premier website may be one of
the best sources of Woodstock information for the interested public
and students alike. The website is not only about Woodstock 1969,
its about Woodstock: then and now. The facts, fiction, legend,
mythology, and general power of what is Woodstock will continue
through our youth and our generations to come and a unique page is
being developed as a place for our students to share their works;
their projects and essays, with others, to enjoy and learn from. In
addition, our website
but also serves as a template for other grassroots historic
preservation movements. A multitude of information, photos, video,
audio and more, abound on this website. Unlike other
Woodstock tribute websites, the Woodstock Preservation Archives
serves to ensure that the struggle to preserve the festival site is
not lost as Bethel Woods rises in the Catskills, and also to inspire
others to speak up for what they believe in, regardless of the
barriers that face them. Although truthful in our struggle to impact
the development plans by the Gerry Foundation, it is respectful of
the Bethel Woods desire to bring back music and the arts to this
land, and allows visitors to make up their own minds as to whether
Bethel Woods serves as an End or New Beginning for the original
Woodstock Festival site.

This website is fun, interesting and informative, and in the spirit
of the original Woodstock advertisement catchphrase, the Woodstock
Preservation Archives provides Hundreds of Acres to Roam On.

We invisit you to stop by, and pay us a visit. We welcome any comments or questions.

Joanne Hague
Blakely, PA USA - Thursday, July 14, 2005 at 10:30:53 (EDT)

I was at live 8 in philadelphia. I'm 19 and i wanted to say that live
8 was probably the closest thing to the original woodstock anyone of
my generation will ever experience. I've got some alright pictures if
anyone actually wants them, my email :
Adam Heller
Mount laurel, nj USA - Sunday, July 10, 2005 at 01:40:07 (EDT)

If you watch the Woodstock movie, I was one of the guys who ripped
down the fence!
Fence guy
Southbridge, MA USA - Wednesday, July 06, 2005 at 09:33:20 (EDT)

I was wondering if a complete DVD or VHS exists with all the music
on it. I very much doubt it but Warner have to release something
like it sometime. I've got 2 DVD's of Woodstock one called
the "Woodstock Diaries" which is actually a three-part, television
mini-series about the festival just slapped on a disc as well as
another one titled "Woodstock, 3 Days of Peace & Music" it's
probably the best thing that i've seen about the festival so far.
But even decent photos, CD's etc. don't exist. The closest thing to
Woodstock that has happened in the fairly recent past was Eric
Clapton's "Crossroads Guitar Festival" held in June 2004 at the
Cotton Bowl in Texas. It hasn't got the same atmosphere but it's the
next best thing music wise. By the way i was born in 1989 & i'm a
big fan of Hendrix, the african-american blues artists like Buddy
Guy, Bukka White (dec.), B.B King etc. & smooth, watery, singing
wah. It has the power to make you melt. There will never be another
Woodstock it's just sad that most of us will never experience, first-
hand, the power that the music of that era holds. I'm 15 & i get
tingles when Country Joe McDonald has 300,000+ ppl singing along 2
one song or at the title screen of the DVD "Woodstock Diaries" comes
up & they have they 'Star Spangled Banner' blaring out as the have a
fly-around shot of the crowd & surrounding area. It just takes your
breath away...
Unknown, TAS Aust - Saturday, July 02, 2005 at 08:55:35 (EDT)

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