Comments on Woodstock 1969
Page 5

Woodstock 1969 music festival logo with white dove on guitar neck
Your Comments about Woodstock 1969.
February 28, 2009 thru August 15, 2009

Comments start (February 28, 2009)
at the bottom of the page.

I met a girl in Ocean City Maryland and we talked all night and she suggested that we meet again at Woodstock. So at age 17, a recent high school graduate, I convinced my parents to let me take the "Magic Bus to Woodstock" advertised in the baltimore Sunpapers. I found a friend that night getting on the bus at midnight Thursday (Rick O'Connor) and we hung out together over the weekend. The bus drove all night and arrived at daybreak. I awoke to the sound of the driver saying, "everybody out, this is as cose as I can get". So all 60 people got out and we began to walk for at least an hour and as cars would move we would hop on the back and ride along and then walk until we arrived at the festival. I found tickets laying on the ground, but they were not needed. We were there early in the morning and we found a spot to watch the 3 day concert in the very center of bowl. I was not a hippie, I was just a kid looking for a girl he met the week before in Ocean City. But Woodstock completely changed my life for the next several years as I went off to college.

David Holdefer
Columbia, MD United States - Saturday, August 15, 2009 at 13:29:09 (PDT)

We had tickets for Saturday and Sunday. Friday night we heard on the radio that the traffic was jammed and they werent letting people through on the major roads. We looked at a map and took lots of back roads. Some distance from the site we saw cars parked along the side of the two lane road we were on, so we parked and walked perhaps 3 miles or so. As we walked in, many folks were leaving, due to the conditions at the site. They were calling us fools for heading in, and we were calling them chickens for leaving all mostly in jest. I have wondered how they felt, having been at the festival and left, missing the great majority of the festivities.
Later, I was sitting in the crowd next to a couple of guys who looked to be on leave from the military. They had a joint with opiated hash in it. They said the opium high gave everything a reddish hue.
After Hendrix played Monday morning, we went to the portapotties before leaving. I left my sleeping bag on the abandoned counter of one of the food/merchandise stands and walked across to the lav. During my walk, the mud sucked one of my shoes off and I had to go back for it. The mud didn't matter at that time, since I'd spent the weekend in the mud anyway. When I returned for my sleeping bag, it was gone. Someone had apparently needed it, and what he/she did was make a trade for it. In its place was a Woodstock program. I still have that original program and show it to friends on occasion. My guess is the other person doesnt still have that ratty sleeping bag. Its interesting how I didnt have a part in the best trade I ever made.

Takoma Park, MD - Saturday, August 15, 2009 at 09:56:37 (PDT)

This isn't a story of what I did at Woodstock. Everyone says that there can never be another Woodstock and I absolutely agree, but I do think we can still have a music festival that expresses peace, love, and good music. It is certainly not impossible, just needs the right supervision. People also say that they wish they could've been there, well this can be a chance for both generations to enjoi it.

(I know this probably won't be posted because it's not really a story, but if so thank you and know that although this/my generation has many cracks we still have a good amount of people who do want to make this happen)
No. Andover, MA uSa - Friday, August 14, 2009 at 21:07:07 (PDT)

As I recall, the second artist to play at Woodstock was Ravi Shankar, at least that is who we thought was playing... He was quite boring but we were desperate to hear anything over the speakers that signaled the festival was going foward. One of the high lights of Friday night was when the MC asked us all to light a match. It was pitch dark, we didn't know how many people had arrived by nightfall until 300,000 people lit a match and as far as we could see was twinkling with match/cigarette light. The crowd let out a roar. I still have my original Woodstock 3 day ticket. I was afraid to sell it all along the way to the field because I was too afraid it was going to be required at some point. Now I have a tiny piece of history.
Teakie Fazio
North Babylon, NY USA - Friday, August 14, 2009 at 20:32:16 (PDT)

My friend and I tried to head up to the festival on Sunday morning
the 17th. We hit a ton of traffic on route 17, near the New York State Thruway. We wanted to hear Iron Butterfly, who were scheduled to play early Sunday evening. After about 2 hours of non-movement in the traffic scene, we headed back home. Luckily, a neighbor of ours offered us tickets to a show at the Carousel Theatre that night, in Wallingford, Connecticut. About an hour and a half from our homes.
We headed there, and caught a band by the name of Led Zeppelin.
Paid $5.00 for the ticket, and caught an unbelievable show with
about 3000 or so other people. We had no idea who they were, just that they were a powerful west-coast band, with a couple of songs on the radio. Boy, were we suprised. Unfortunately missed Woodstock.
But, Iron Butterfly never made it, so were were not that disappointed at the time. In hindsight, we never got wet, and had the thrill of seeing Zeppelin in their infancy.

Paul (Unlucky or Lucky)
Paul John
Mahopac, NY - Friday, August 14, 2009 at 19:22:20 (PDT)

myself and two friends had a backpack full of warm Little Kings Cream Ale from Cincinnati; there was of course no ice to be found. we traded two bottles to a hippie from Baltimore who was sitting next to us for a joint since at the time we had no weed with us.
cincinnati, - Friday, August 14, 2009 at 18:53:54 (PDT)

P.S. I still have the tickets.
Harwich, ma - Friday, August 14, 2009 at 18:05:26 (PDT)

I went with my future wife who had just graduated from high school and I was 21.We were forced to get off the highway and drove for a while until my car died.We were pushed into the parking lot of the fellow who owned the bar and spoke in the Woodstock movie about running out of food and how great the kids were.We slept in the car that night and started walking on Saturday morning.We walked about 8 to 10 miles.We made it even though some people were telling us to turn back. We stayed at the top of the hill until Sunday morning.I remember seeing Sly and the Who.Sunday we got a ride back to our car and headed to food and a shower.When we got home everyone wanted to know about it. My wife has since passed away from breast cancer so this 40th aniversary has special meaning for me.I am very happy we went.

Harwich, ma - Friday, August 14, 2009 at 17:53:38 (PDT)

i just wish i could have been there but i was in viet nam at the time the greatest groups of my time. A lot of us enjoyed the music it helped alot
COLUMBUS, OHIO - Friday, August 14, 2009 at 15:23:39 (PDT)

Instead of going, I was home watching Underdog. Never forgave myself!! OK - I was only three, but I grew up on the music, and still believe it is some of the best music ever made. Only other concert that I might have wanted to see more was Monterrey or Festival Express. Closest I came was following the dead stating in 81 and taking lots of Acid. However the acid wasn't as good, and many of the "hippies" that started following in the 80's weren't real hippies. Now their mostly yuppies. Oh well. Long Live rock and roll!!!
John King
Glendale, NY USA - Friday, August 14, 2009 at 13:04:03 (PDT)

This is the greatest concert ever. So many great bands. The Paul Green School Of Rock Music is playing a tribute to woodstock and playing covers from acts such as Jimi Hendrix, Carlos Santana, Sly and the Family Stone, Mountain, Ravi Shankar, and many more. The concert will be in Chicago IL at Welles park (montrose and western) at 5:00 PM on saturday august 15th. Come and enjoy one more day of peace and love, and celebrate the 40th anniversary of this amazing show!
Elijah Smith
Chicago, IL - Friday, August 14, 2009 at 11:54:08 (PDT)

I was 20 years old and on leave from the Marine Corps. Chris, a friend of mine said he heard about a big concert being held in New York State and maybe we should check it out. On a whim on Saturday we hopped in his Triumph TR-6 convertible and headed up the NY State Thruway. By the time we got there it was a solid sea of cars and people. I can remember riding through a residential area where people stood on their porches with looks of amazement on their faces. Not far from there we were approached by a naked man and woman who offered us some wine from their jug. It never occurred to us then that it could have been electric.... it wasn'nt. We made it to an intersection where off to my right I could see what looked to be cranes and lights in the distance. That's as close as we got and could hear a lot more that we could see!
Flemington, NJ USA - Friday, August 14, 2009 at 09:50:14 (PDT)

Like most of rural Southern America in the lat 60's, Woodstock could have been happening on another planet for us. While we were picking our cotton and trying to keep our schools "pure", the thousands of people at Woodstock were having a once in a life experience. Sad thing is we still ain't figured it out.
Iron Station, NC US - Friday, August 14, 2009 at 09:46:49 (PDT)

I was working for Mountain. We got their late Friday, and we stayed in this run-down bungalow with the film crew. Saturday we went to the airport to catch a helicopter to the sit. We waited and waited and I took pictures. Eventually the helicopters stopped running as they were worried about getting paid. A limo pulled up with the Who, Peter asked me about the situation, I explained the helicopiter deal and asked if I could get a ride with them to the sit, "sorry we are full in hear" was the response, and they drove off. The people from Apple Records had a limo. and offered a ride. I was the only one to take them up on their offer. Everyone else had their own rides or deceided not to go. So off I went with this girl driver... lots more
Jay Colbe
Sacramento, CA. USA - Friday, August 14, 2009 at 01:03:00 (PDT)

I was a junior in high school in 1969. My best friend and I had heard about Woodstock and the bands that were playing. We made plans to go... we got what little money we had and packed sleeping bags and whatever we had. We were planning on hitchhiking and hoping for the best. My dad found out from my sister what I was planning on doing and told me that if I went to not come back....ever. I did not go, but I was so mad that I spent a week away from home with my friend, who to this day has not forgiven me for not going. To this day my dad does not believe me that I did not go. I should have went.... my friend has not forgiven me, and my dad does not believe me. With all this grief and I missed the best concert ever.
Peoria, IL USA - Thursday, August 13, 2009 at 15:25:27 (PDT)

I got pnuemonia, and i got knocked up at 15 . But it was the best high of my life!
Karen Tafford
memphis, TN USA - Thursday, August 13, 2009 at 14:04:55 (PDT)

i was 15 years old and my neighbor asked me if i wanted to go to woodstock with him and a couple of his friends. i told him i had to ask my mother,and when i did she said NOOOOOOO! that night after she went to bed i snuck out met my neighbor and his friends and off we went...four of us in a vw bug.we got there on the 13th of august found a place to leave the car and went in like we worked there and helped with the setting up...that's how we ended up backstage. a day or so later people started funneling in and in no time it was a sea of people. i found a djembe drum and played it like i really knew how...i didn't but everyone was high and nobody knew the buddy dared me to go up on stage and play, so when richie havens came out to play i followed the band on stage and stayed in the backround...i guess because i'd been around helping out for the last couple days they must've thought it was ok for me to be there.richie started playing and so did i though softly in the wings.i thought at this point i would be tossed off the stage but i wasn't.i got a little braver and played a little louder.after he finished i quickly exited the stage...i got my 15 miutes of glory as the saying goes.we stayed back stage and mingled with the real workers.richie was still hanging around when carlos santana came up to him and ask if he could borrow his djembe player...richie said "i don't know who the hell he is he just showed up on stage and was playing pretty good so we let him jam" carlos spotted me and came over and said"hey kid you wanna sit in with us when we go on tomorrow?"hell yeah i said.tomorrow came and i walked out on stage with them like i really belonged there.i was high on pot and loving every minute of it.the band started playing and i just kinda wung it...softly at first by the time they started playing soul sacrifice i was i was in heaven.who would have thunk it me a 15 year old from the back hills of maine on stage with the biggies.......ok so i'm a lier but what a story that would be to tell the grand children....there is some truth to it though...i do play a djembe drum like i almost know how,my neighbor did ask me to go to woodstock,and my mother did say "NOOOOOOO".i'm 56 now and i hit the blues festival scene around maine and nh every year we take our eight year old daughter to these two and three day events.shes been going since she was four and she loves it she gets right in with the old timers and dances up a storm.maybe someday she'll have the chance to go to her own woodstock then she can tell me what it's really like
brownfield, maine usa - Tuesday, August 11, 2009 at 19:55:20 (PDT)

Wow, I was only just turning 17 years old in July and still lived at home for about 1 more year. I should have just made the decision and left with my friends who were all going up to Woodstock. How I regret not having gone up with my friends who worked with me at Fontaine's Dickens in Wrentham. Great group of people. I bet they had the time of their lives. Little did I realize what I was missing out on. Never again. The times have definitely changed. There couldn't be another Woodstock. The atmosphere is so different. Viva la 60's....It was a better time.
Eileen Lonergan
Foxboro, MA USA - Monday, August 10, 2009 at 14:53:36 (PDT)

I was 14 yrs old at the time of Woodstock. I didn't go...too young and too far away from Texas, but I'll never forget my Dad's reaction after Woodstock when he received his LIFE Magazine. The families sitting in the living and all of a sudden Dad's closes the magazine and said, "If I'd a wanted a Playboy magazine I'd a bought me one." And he gets up, throws the magazine in the trash and cancels his subscription to LIFE. Of course I'm so curious what the heck he saw, so I snuck it out of the trash can and... of naked women in a lake.

OK I didn't make Woodstock...I'm 53 yrs old now but I play in a cover band called TAKE 2..our bass player, the great "Jim Fielder" was at Woodstock..he played the bass guitar for Blood, Sweat and Tears. Blood, Sweat and Tears played in the early hours on Monday morning before Jimi Hendrix came on stage. Now that it's the 40th Anniversary...I'm even more appreciative of the this man in our band who not only played with Blood, Sweat and Tears but also Frank Zappa-Mothers of Invention and Buffalo Springfield..check Jim out today on
David Shamburger
Tyler, Texas USA - Sunday, August 09, 2009 at 18:19:04 (PDT)

Got drafted in aug. Got delayed induction by joining the marines in order to go to woodstock.I was 18. Brought some awesome homegrown. Parked quite a long way from event.Tripped out watching country joe, janis, credence, ect... Needless to say didn't go to marine induction. Thats another story.communal living,living on streets for far too many years.Took the whole thing a little too seriously.tuned in turned on and dropped out untill I was about 31. Still catching up
Ed Herbert
Westlake , Oh usa - Sunday, August 09, 2009 at 16:34:54 (PDT)

I was 12. I got a friend to run away with me to go to experience this calling. I had $2.50 in my pocket and a joint in my transistor radio, so we hit the road. We made it to St.Louis in two days. That evening my friend wanted to go back home, we were broke and hungry. We stole a large Hershey bar and a watermelon and ran to a field and chowed down. After that we sat on the side of the interstate and while watching the sun go down, I broke out the doobie and turned on some tunes and we got waisted. We stuck out our thumbs and caught a ride with a trucker that took us within a mile of where we lived. I'm still pissed at my friend 40 years later. I worked hard to earn that $2.50 and he was just a broke bum. We made it half way on my $2.50 and we could have made it the other half if he had not been a broken down bum. Who would have known that it would turn out to be great history. My life story. I was almost there. I'm still there in spirit.

Fort Worth, Texas - Sunday, August 09, 2009 at 14:56:43 (PDT)

I was 12 years old that summer. Such an incredible time. 4 weeks earlier the nation watched man on the moon and then Woodstock.

I have always felt Woodstock was the culmination of what music and youth were trying to express in the '60's. I also feel it was the high water mark of the culture, and the meaning of what those 3 days of peace, love & music symbolized were never to be the same.

Though it may have taken a few years, I believe this was the launching pad for the glory days of FM radio. While still in its infancy, it became a force to be reckoned with, as well as a commercially viable way to reach this demographic. (Not that anyone wanted to, at least not right away)

I would be curious to know the spike in FM licenses granted to broadcasters between say 1970-75. The technology was happening anyway, but it would also be interesting to see how many of those stations developed between '70-75 and what kind of music they were playing. Classical music, obviously, but what else were advertisers willing to put their message?

That was also a period that saw some of the greatest experiments/experiences in radio stations this generation would probably recall.

I only know firsthand of WNEW-FM in New York and KSAN in San Francisco, but I know there were others you may have enjoyed listening to.

Only by means of comparing that music to the time warp that is commercial radio these days. Yes, I understand that's why we hear Journey, Styx, Queen, Foreigner ad nauseum on "classic rock" stations these days, but that is still a tribute to what is represented by what happened that amazing weekend.

Bonus trivia note: Journey key founding member Greg Rollie...keyboardist for Santana. Many more I'm sure...

Tucson, AZ - Monday, August 03, 2009 at 22:07:32 (PDT)

Some of my great-uncles (who have since passed on) were there... and I just watched the extended video today with my dad who was born five days after it ended up here in Canada (being Canadian... I have come to the conclusion that clearly in a past life I was one of those babies running around during Woodstock that they show... Even my parents have told me since I was a kid that I should have been a sixties child and somewhere something got screwed up!

Also... doesn't help that three of my uncles and two of my aunts were hippies and my gramma wasn't overly conservative either... my god parents are both raised from the sixties and ex-hippies (I have seen the photo evidence! Even though my uncle is now way overweight and bald, he had the whole look and everything)

It's one of those major historical events I wish I could have witnessed first hand, since it would be impossible to accurately replicate in today's world... To anyone who actually managed to be there that weekend, I really hope you cherish the understanding and memory of what went on that weekend...
Collingwood, Ontario Canada - Monday, August 03, 2009 at 15:40:12 (PDT)

Woodstock 40th Anniversary Radio Show
WMUC 88.1FM Listen on line!

Join Dominick of Electric Candle Radio for the annual celebration of the Woodstock Music & Art Fair. This annual special broadcast will celebrate the 40th anniversary of this historic festival which occurred on August 15, 16 and 17, 1969. Also it extended into the morning of August 18, 1969.

Dominick will host a total of three broadcasts on Saturday August 1, August 8 and August 22, 2009. On August 1, 2009 the show will begin at "High Noon" and extend until 9PM. On August 8 and August 22, 2009 the show will be 6 hours each, beginning at 3:00PM till 9:00 PM. Eastern USA time.

The broadcasts will feature the artists that performed at the Woodstock Music & Art Fair, in the order of their appearance and the music performed by each artist.

This is the most extensive look at the Woodstock Festival anywhere and we hope you'll join us for the broadcast. If you miss any of the broadcasts you may download it from the "Show Archive MP3" page.

Tune in here:
Playlist is here:

"Turn on, tune in and let us groove."

Electric Candle Radio Show
"Hippie Music Ad Infinitum"
WMUC Radio Saturdays 3:00 PM Eastern US Time -
Listen On Line Here Every Saturday:
Instant Message Me! AOL: electricandle and Yahoo IM: electricandle
College Park, Maryland USA - Saturday, August 01, 2009 at 11:35:41 (PDT)

I took off work on Fri and left for my Grandparents summer house in Harris NY, Thur evening. Very close to Woodstock. We slept at my grandparents and left for the concert site early Fri. When we got there we drove right up to the gate and they were still setting up. We stayed and watch some set up, some sets of a band I don't remember who practice and said to our selfs, "This isn't so bad, lets go back to the house and eat and come back for the concert later." What a mistake. We had no idea what was brewing on the hyways and how many people were coming. We tried to get back on Sat and after hours of trying to get back on many side roads almost gave up. We finally decided to park the car on the side of a road and just walk through the forest. There were many VW vans and tents along the way and people took us in and fed us and gave us some shelter. It wasn't until the rain started that we got back to the top of the hill. I fell asleep and woke up to the Jefferson Airplane. I slid in the mud, I went in the pond. I had a great time. Then it was over and we had to get back. There was this long road out and we started to walk and hop on bumpers of cars for a ride. Somehow we found the car. Don't ask me how, but we did many hours later. It was a different time, no worries, free love, people happy and helping each other. I went back there to the farm many years later with my husband and son who were not there. I stood at the top of the hill and could see the crowd and hear the music, my family just looked at me like I was strange. If you weren't there you just didn't understand. That is my story, thank you for letting me tell it.
Fair Lawn, NJ - Monday, July 27, 2009 at 22:14:30 (PDT)

I've heard that the Doors also declined an invitation to perform because of Jim Morrison's expressed dislike of large outdoor venues. I also heard another rumor that Morrison feared he would be assassinated. Woodstock was a remarkable event. I don't think I've ever seen such an amazing lineup.
Los Angeles, CA USA - Monday, July 27, 2009 at 10:59:58 (PDT)

I am so fortunate to say that I was there. Was 17 years old, growing up in NYC. The most life impacting experience I ever had. Remember it as if it was yesterday. On early Monday morning I actually came face to face with Jimi Hendrix on the road heading up to the stage. And, he actually spoke to me. We are stardust. We are golden. And we've got to get ourselves, Back to the garden.
Larry Gross
Los Angeles, CA USA - Saturday, July 25, 2009 at 22:14:54 (PDT)

We started for Woodstock on Saturday morning but I-87 was backed up and then closed. We never made it. However, for those who want to re-live the experience, there is now a performing arts center and Muesum of the '60's on the actual site, Max Yasgur's farm. Last night I was there for a 5 hour concert with Wilien Nelson, John Mellencamp and Bob Dlan. The museum had a special exhibition by Yoko Ono about some of her life in photos with Lennon ((the edroom interview). Go to for details. It's phenomenal.
Steven Paul Mark
New York, NY United States - Sunday, July 19, 2009 at 16:44:57 (PDT)

Evidently 'Paul Rogers and Free' also declined to show up. I do not know the particular reason.
Randall Grote
Lincoln, Nebraska United States - Sunday, July 19, 2009 at 08:37:34 (PDT)

Woodstock 40th Anniversary Radio Show
WMUC 88.1FM Listen on line!

Join Dominick of Electric Candle Radio for the annual celebration of the Woodstock Music & Art Fair. This annual special broadcast will celebrate the 40th anniversary of this historic festival which occurred on August 15, 16 and 17, 1969. Also it extended into the morning of August 18, 1969.

Dominick will host a total of three broadcasts on Saturday August 1, August 8 and August 22, 2009. On August 1, 2009 the show will begin at "High Noon" and extend until 9PM. On August 8 and August 22, 2009 the show will be 6 hours each, beginning at 3:00PM till 9:00 PM. Eastern USA time.

The broadcasts will feature the artists that performed at the Woodstock Music & Art Fair, in the order of their appearance and the music performed by each artist.

This is the most extensive look at the Woodstock Festival anywhere and we hope you'll join us for the broadcast. If you miss any of the broadcasts you may download it from the "Show Archive MP3" page.

In the meantime if you would like to hear the show from 2008, you may listen or download it here: Candle - Woodstock 2008/

"Turn on, tune in and let us groove."

Electric Candle Radio Show
"Hippie Music Ad Infinitum"
WMUC Radio Saturdays 3:00 PM Eastern US Time -
Listen On Line Here Every Saturday:
Instant Message Me! AOL: electricandle and Yahoo IM: electricandle
College Park, Maryland USA - Saturday, July 18, 2009 at 16:06:08 (PDT)

I was 14 years old and living with my family in White Plains, NY. I was heavily into rock music and had just purchased the "Tommy" album at Hunt's Music at Mamaroneck Avenue when I heard them playing an advertisement for the Woodstock festival over their P.A. system! As the line-up of artists was being announced through the speakers, I wanted so badly to buy tickets, but knew my folks would never allow me to go at that age! I followed the coverage on the news on that weekend and was probably one of the first people to get the 3 record set when it came out the following year. I was there in spirit as much as a person could be and to this day regret that I didn't just say "screw it" and go!
Ray Arrucci
Ossining, NY USA - Thursday, July 16, 2009 at 13:39:44 (PDT)

I am a Afrikaans writer and busy writing a book where my character went to Woodstock 1969. I would love it if anybody who really were there, emails me and tells me his memories of the weekend. That will be real nice!
Christa Jonker-Jordaan
Blemfontein, Freestate South Arica - Thursday, July 16, 2009 at 05:00:00 (PDT)

As to the moody blues. I've read in one of the woodstock bios, they thought the cost would be prohibitive because the had a prior obligation to play in Briton right before the fest. They would have had to turn around and fly all the equipment back again.

San Diego, CA United States - Wednesday, May 20, 2009 at 12:19:53 (PDT)

Having just moved to a small town in 1969, I tried to hitch-hike my way to Woodstock, only to be caught, turned in and sent home. I, like so many other teenagers, eagerly waited, instead, for the film-version. A bunch of us seniors skipped school to go to KC to watch it in the mind-blowing form it was meant to be experienced! Five years later, I partially made up for that loss by attending all 3 days of The Ozark Mountain Music Festival in '74...sights and sounds and pleasures still resonnating. 40 years post-Woodstock, I'm a college professor and show my students clips of the documentary, and while some have no need for a slice of Woodstock, others, especially those who were raised by hippy baby-boomers (or learned about the movement from hippy grandparents!), can't get enough of what that single event symbolized: unharnessed self-expression. Upon viewing the clips, most my students are "converts" and thus grateful to have a "real" hippy (still have long, straight hair) teaching them, blowing their minds...through alternative political, social, metaphysical and educational channels of awareness.
Fort Worth, TX - Saturday, July 04, 2009 at 19:42:36 (PDT)

I was 9 when Woodstock happened but just seeing all the information on the TV, to this day I wish I would have been old enough to go. Now next month in Woodstock, IL, there will be a Woodstock anniversary celebration. Here is the website;

I know its not the same as the real Woodstock, but its as close as I'll ever get to it.
Peace, Love and Happiness
Betty K
Harvard, IL USA - Friday, July 03, 2009 at 11:22:46 (PDT)

I was only 10 yrs old and remember watching woodstock on the evening news on a black & white television with rabbit ears.
Walter Kronkite was the news anchor for CBS.
The things that I remember most through the eyes of the media were hippies, anti- war music, nudity, marijuanna, mud and it becomming a red cross disaster. Before my 11th birthday I owned a huge metal piece sign to hang around my neck and an army jacket from the Korean war.
Woodstock was a huge influence on my life. Sadly, It could never happen again because of the media and communications that we have today would never allow.
Pittsburgh, PA - Friday, July 03, 2009 at 00:56:04 (PDT)

I was 17 and I went with a group of my older friends...called home from a rest stop in Ohio to tell my dad I'd be camping and back around Monday the next week...Dad asked me where and told me to come home immediately...that's when I told him I was somewhere in Ohio off the turnpike...his reaction was 'well, when you come home, we have something to discuss'....

I lost my friends on Friday evening at Woodstock....but was embraced by a great group of folks from Boston....they took care of me and got me back to my friends before the end of the concert...

needless to say, when i got grounded me for the rest of my highschool life (graduated in 1970) but I will never forget Jimi (I live in Seattle) and Joe (my favorite) and Santana and and the mud and the rain and the best PB&J sammies provided by my friends from Boston....sigh...what a I live in the Northwest and help folks as a surgeon with issues regarding their hearts...

Woodstock was a wonderful experience....sad that it can't happen again...
Woodstock, Illinois usa - Thursday, July 02, 2009 at 21:27:32 (PDT)

I was only 12 years old in 1969 but I asked my Mom if I could go to Woodstock! Of course she said "no" because of my age. My girlfriend and I really wanted to go see Janis Joplin perform there! We were just getting into her music and thought it would be cool to see her in person. Well, that never happened and Janis is gone. I still listen to her music--------in fact I went to Rochester to see the "Love Janis" performance written by her sister, Laura Joplin.
Depew, New York USA - Sunday, June 28, 2009 at 09:11:50 (PDT)

Hearing everyone's stories of Woodstock has been amazing for me. I wasn't even alive to attend Woodstock, but both my parent's did. For as long as I can remember I've been in love with Woodstock and to this day still say I'd do anything to be there in all honestly. My parents are both successful business people now, but I know they will always be hippies at heart, and so will I. I've always been fascinated in the entire era of the 60s and 70s. My favorite movies are Dazed and Confused and Fast Times at Ridgemont High and I probably idolize Jimi Hendrix more then anyone imaginable. Though I'm truly upset that The Beatles, Led Zepplin, and Jethro Tull didn't except the invite, I don't think anything could have made Woodstock a better place to be. All the Peace, Love, and Music that took place there makes it sound like my place to be. If there was any one thing i could change it would be the fact that I wasn't there to smoke weed and drink and enjoy the amazing things that happened at Woodstock in August 1969 like the rest of you. Thank you all for your stories.
Allison B.
ca USA - Thursday, June 25, 2009 at 23:46:56 (PDT)

I spent that weekend doing reserve duty for the USNR. All the while wishing I was there.
Jack F
Philly, PA USA - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 at 14:02:32 (PDT)

I got to shake jimi hendrix hand after his preformance it was awsome
austin, tx - Monday, June 22, 2009 at 11:06:59 (PDT)

I recently reconnected with a HS GF who was also at Woodstock, she told me about a photo book that a photographer from our hometown put together that summer called woodstock 1969 Summer Festivals. I found several copies to give as gifts to those I knew that were there with me and have a few extras. I figure with this being the 40th aniversary they will be in demand. The photographer has since passed away.
Thanks to DJ Dominick,
Holly W
Bonita Springs, FL USA - Sunday, June 21, 2009 at 05:17:41 (PDT)

Well, well, I was 19, not being even in the US yet and living in one of those commie ruled countries (Poland) where America was called evil state, hippies were freaks and your army was killing good, innocent people in Vietnam. Most of the artists performing at Woodstock were well known from overnight listening to foreign radio stations, like Radio Carolina, basically the only source of western music which was not very popular on government owned radio. Information on Woodstock was almost non existing at that time and everything I learned about it was after I came to the United States. All what happened during those 3 days is unbelievable for people like me. The music and all performers were so great but to me the greatest thing was the fact of getting together so many young people, the atmosphere of the event, 3 days of no violence despite of all drugs and alcohol used there, the freedom, the brotherhood. This is the part I am missing the most when watching all the videos and movies, picture, all people who could be there, talking about their personal experiences. As we know it cannot be repeated. And maybe it should stay like this forever. If I have a chance I will go there one day hoping to find somebody who was there in 69, have a chance to talk about those 3 days of PEACE, LOVE AND MUSIC. For now let me listen to Melanie's "Lay Down".


Peter Stieber
Romeoville, Illinois USA - Sunday, June 14, 2009 at 15:00:02 (PDT)

White Lake concert turned WOODSTOCK - who would have known

When I was about 18 a friend of mine introduced me to a girl named Joyce Kelly. Joyce wasnt a beauty, but she had something special, a whispering voice, she was kind and considerate, loved life and especially music. That was Joyce and my common interest. Joyce also had a beautiful body. She had large breasts and a lovely curve. We truly loved holding one another. She was so soft and I remember her smell today. Clean and nice. Joyces older sister Nancy had an apartment in Edgewood, a section of Pittsburgh which had a number of multifamily dwellings. Nancy lived on the 3rd floor of a 3 family dwelling. I was living at home at the time with my Mom and Scot, so going over to Nancys was a liberating experience for me. Nancy was a hippie. She had long straight hair almost to her ass. She was kind and loved Joyce very much. Nancy and Joyce had lost their parents in a car accident when Nancy and Joyce were very young. Nancy raised Joyce for most of her life. If Nancy had been a little younger when they passed away the two of them might have ended up in an Orphanage.

Nancy and Joyce were originally from a small town in Pa called Greensburg. A small town that raised small-town girls with small-town views. Joyce was naive. It was part of what attracted me to her. She had very little knowledgeable about the world outside of Pittsburgh and Greensburg PA, but at the time neither was I. I fell deeply in love with Joyce. And I viewed Nancy as the elder sister Id never had. She was wise and well read. She spoke with a soft reassuring voice. The three of us would stay up late while Nancy would tell us about the politics of the world. Why we shouldnt be in Viet Nam. Why I should make sure I stayed out of going to Viet Nam.

Nancy also had a great record collection. Paul Butterfield, Sony Terry and Brownie Magee, Jefferson Airplane, Phil Oaks, and Joyce and I would stay up late listening to the sounds of the sixties. A new group was emerging out of one of my favorites Buffalo Springfield. They called themselves Corby Stills and Nash. Their music was harmonic. Beautiful beyond belief. I still feel that way today. Their lyrics were of the times. Kent State Ohio, Carry on, and others.

A dude with a scraggily looking beardpassing out flyers said Here ya go guys. We are walking down Walnut Street. A very hip area with girls in bell bottoms Asmile jeans, shorts, long hair, and beads,
Peter Max style art rose above the shop fronts as Gary and I walk down the crowed sidewalks of the hip Shadyside area. Wow! Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Crosby Stills and Nash, the list went on and on with our favorite bands of the time. Lets go I said! Gary agreed and we headed back to my Mom car that she let us borrow for the afternoon to go back home to pack. When we got home we told Mom that we were of to a concert in a place called White Lake. Heres $10 for each of you. Be careful and be sure you call me on your way when you can get to a phone. I decided to make a sign, so I got some magic marker and put PA Turnpike on one side and New York on the other. I didnt know where we were going in NY. Gary and I put a few things in our knapsacks and Mom drove us down the nearest intersection to start on our trip. We kissed Mom goodbye and unloaded our sacks and while Gary went and sat on the grass, I put out our sign along with my thumb. After a minute or so a young guy alone in the car stopped and asked, Where you guys headed? to a concert at White Lake I answered enthusiastically Im going to the next intersection if you want a lift. Before we could put our knapsacks in the car, we were taking them back out. Thanks Man!

I put my sign back out and the next ride took us to the PA Turnpike. From there we turned over our sign to show the NY side and we were off. I dont remember how many rides it took to get us close by, but I do remember one older gentleman dressed in a nice suit. As the radio station talked about the NY state freeway crawling to a stop, I remembered staring at his shoes shined to a reflective mirror finish. Who is this guy I thought and will I ever see him again. The thought was over and so was the ride. After 4 or 5 more rides, we started getting close because the people walking beside the cars were moving as fast as the cars were. Up and down hill after hill we walked. One VW microbus full of hippies and a black guy driving it with an afro to beat all afros, he reminded me of Luke from the Mod squad. In back of the van Gary and I toked on joint after joint. The dude in the front passed out a bottle of wine to one of the walkers beside us and what seemed like an hour later, that same guy handed me the wine bottle back! Time was going in slow motion and it seemed like wed never get there. Somehow we got out of the van and started walking again. The concert is over, they canceled it. One girl said. We decided to keep walking. Wed come far enough already. It was dark and the only lights were from showing from the line of cars lined up behind us as far as we could see. There was no traffic coming toward us so we figured wed just keep going. You cant get in without a ticket another guy blurted out. He was stoned and one guy behind me said he doesnt know what hes talking about, he can hardly stand up. Gary and I didnt have tickets, they were $50 from the guy in Shadyside and we didnt have $50 between us. We hoped that when and if we ever got to the concert that we could finagle a way in.

After hours and hours of rides in cars, and what seemed like days of walking in the dark, I heard a faint singing. As we got closer we could make out the words, Coming in from London from over the pole, Flying in a big airliner, Chickens flying everywhere around the plane could we ever feel much finer? Hey its Arlo Guthrie I screamed!
I knew we were there! Or at least we close. I couldnt believe it! Compared to how far we had come already it didnt seem like much time had passed until we got to the amazing hill of wall to wall people. But looking back on it must have been an hour or so. Arlos voice carried over the hill!

Were here Gary. We were exhausted, tired and dirty. It seemed like a week ago that we gotten our first ride from the guy alone in the car. Our PA/NY sign was now a ripped piece of cardboard with faded magic marker, dirty and tired from the many car floors it had sat on. I threw it into a dumpster and as we stood at the top of the hill and looked down into the dark, over the wall of people and pot smoke, all that was visible was a very distant light far into the distance. The smoke and fog danced in the huge spotlight pointing to the stage.

How do we get down there Gary asked. Gary and I were known for our aggressive natures when we were younger-or so we thought. We were both off-street motorcyclists in our teens. We would down a few Percodans and ride our motocross bikes into the woods below our home, un-frightened by what might lay ahead of us in the wooded area! If we did get hurt at least we had our pain medicine in us already.

I looked down the far edges of the crowd and noticed that to the right and left there was a wood fence with about a 5 foot margin between the fence and the crowd. Follow me. I headed down the side and we found that we had an open path that led us down to the front of the stage. But once we got to the front we found ourselves pushed right up to the wood fence barrier that stood between the crowd and the stage. The fence was about 10 feet tall so that you couldnt see anything if you were right up against the fence. The crowd was packed 3 feet back from the fence because that was right where you could see the stage. Gary and I faced the wood fence and slowly pushed our way backward until we could see the stage. Joan Biaz was performing when we finally were fixed in our spot. I looked over at Gary and took it all in. He was just exhaling from a big toke that he took from a joint that a cute chick beside him handed off. W----O-------W he said in a slow-motion exhale! We were mesmerized by the grass, the music, the crowd, and the Moment.

That night we made our way back to the top of the hill. We made a U shape out of the fence that had been cut and placed some corn husks over it in case it rained during the night. We placed our sleeping bags on the floor and fell into a catatonic serenity.

During the night I had awaken many times to the far away sounds of The Who and later or should I say early the next light, Jefferson Airplane. I finally was forced out of my sleeping bag to the soaked feeling of waterlogged pants, shirt, shoes and sleeping bag. It had poured all night long and our sleeping bags didnt deter a drop of it.

After tossing and turning for what seemed to be hours I peeled away my saturated sleeping bag. Gary and I found our way under a large maple tree with a handful of other people. What a night, I said to one of them. Who is going to be on today I asked?
He muttered an answer, but when it made it to my clogged ears it sounded like a slow-motion slur.
The sun shown through the clouds, and the music began. Joe Cocker vibrated onstage in his tie-died shirt to a chorus of Through the Bathroom Window... Hours passed as we stand listening to the music in our drenched clothes.

Little did I know that the drumstick I was catching would be well-appreciated someday...It was the drumstick of the drummer from Santana! He was young and his beat was right on! The sun was hot and the mud from the rain was all around us. The smell of Grass was heavy in the air. I felt a poke on my shoulder, it was a girl handing me another joint. I took a hit and inhaled till I couldnt hold it anymore. The sound of the music, and my feelings were soaring. A peacefulness came over me. O ye co mo va, I sang along. Ladies and Gentlemen. Sha Na Na I'd never heard of them before. 5 or 6 men, at least to me they looked like men-older, in 50s style clothes, Gauchos, satin pants and black pointed shoes came across the stage dancing and singing. One oclock, 2 oclock, 3oclock 4 Hmmm this is different I thought. Who the hell are they and what are they doing here. The crowd roared and started to sing along. It was an old fashion 50s sing along with a group of guys stylen, hair that met in the back and was slicked down with 10w 30. Bozzer, the lead singer was a tall, really crazy energetic dude with a great bass voice. By the time they left the stage they had a few hundred thousand fans on their feet screaming for more! It was humid and the air was thick with moisture and the smell from Grass and the unbathed bodies surrounding me. That day I sat in the hot sun and mud and continued to be serenaded by the likes of Credence Clearwater Revival, Canned Heat, Mountain, Quill Joe Cocker, and others that I cant remember because I was either to stoned or to tired, or possibly and probably both. I hadnt seen Gary for a while and it was dusk and decided to go looking for him. I squeezed my way to the front of the stage. I ran into Gary on the way back and said, I bet Mom is worried sick about us. We should call her now. We sloshed our way through the thick mud and finally came to what was a quarter mile of pay phones all standing in a row. There must have been two hundred of them, and each and every one had a line of people waiting. I mean a long line, possibly 20 to 50 people in each line. I remembered that they were announcing on the stage every hour or so something like Bill, call home", your brother needs to get your diabetic medicine to you. So.I walked up to one of the lines and scoped out a kind face. I got to the second person in that line and said, Excuse me; they just made an announcement on stage that I needed to call my Grandfather at the hospital in Pittsburgh right away. The kind faces said oh sure go right ahead. I got a quarter from Gary and called my Mom and told her that we were alright. She said that she had been hearing on the news what chaos it was on the way to the concert and was thrilled that we called. I thanked the kind face and Gary and I worked my way back to our makeshift corn hut.

Gary and I didnt have much money on us. We went looking for food and came upon a makeshift wood hut with handwritten signs. Peanut and butter $2.00. What? Can you believe it, two bucks for Peanut and Jelly? I only had a few dollars left from the $10 my Mother had given me but I was starving, and there wasnt much else to choose from. The peanut butter and jelly tasted more like steak and potatoes to me! My most vivid and exhilarating memory of Woodstock was during a break in the concert I was sitting eating the peanut butter and jelly sandwich while listening to Crosby Stills and Nash singing. Its getting to the point.

Fred Leff
pittsburgh , pa USA - Saturday, June 06, 2009 at 23:34:47 (PDT)

Was not there...Only being 10 at the time. But am doing research on the show...I teach guitar at the Paul Green School of Rock and our kids will be performing "Woodstock" this semester. Your site has been VERY helpful as far an actual set list. I will say I am amazed that many of our kids actually know about the show and the songs that will be included ! Musical history to say the least! I did hear that Mountain performed "Mississippi Queen" at the show, but I don't see it on their songlist? TO ANYONE...Is there at least audio available of the ENTIRE show? Also, will there be a pilgrimage to the site this August and can you visit the original site? Thanks for a great site !!! david
Cleveland, Oh - Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 23:25:08 (PDT)

judy: be the first on your block was country joe and the fish
london, - Saturday, May 30, 2009 at 02:25:51 (PDT)

I was there for the whole deal, it was great! I made the mistake of coming into the place the wrong way, which turned out to be very fortunate. I ended up parked about 150 yards from stage right, saw everything and everyone.
I was parked along the road that the acts used to get to the stage, so I got to see everyone. At one point, I opened the door of my car and a hell's angel who was walking by took the brunt of it in his knees. He winced for a minute, my life flashed before my eyes, then he smiled, flashed me the peace sign and kept going!
When it was over, it was a 2-3 hour ordeal to get off the grounds. It was quite a distance from where the stage was to where the road was, so as I was leaving, all kinds of people jumped on my '62 chevy to get a ride to the road where they would hitch from. One guy jumped right in front of me so I couldn't see where I was going. I asked him to please get off so I could see; that earned me a 'fascist pig' comment as he left!
nyc, NY - Wednesday, May 13, 2009 at 09:58:46 (PDT)

Lived in Peekskill, NY at the time. Had tickets, but never needed them. By the time I arrived it was early Sat. morning. The gates and some fences were down. I started out hitching with a friend, and ended up walking much farther than intended. Roads were jammed or closed all over the place, including the NYST. Basically an hours drive turned into a 12 hour nightmare. I was 16, and it was the best year of my life. I attended many more festivals and concerts, including Watkins Glen 3 years later, but NOTHING ever compared to Woodstock!
Kevin Lynch
New Milford, CT USA - Monday, May 04, 2009 at 03:49:23 (PDT)

Born in New York, my sister got her license and off we went. Got stuck in the mud in some field..she kept covering my eyes with her hands because of the naked people.. now I work in the medical field.Boy were our parents mad because they had to come pull us out of the mud.
I have the lyrics to a song from then stuck in my head..don't remember the artist or the rest of the song..maybe someone can help..lyrics I remember.."be the first one on your block to bring your son home in a box"..what is that song????Thank you
Little Chute, wi USA - Thursday, April 09, 2009 at 16:44:08 (PDT)

For the longest time I hid the fact I was there. A lot of people claimed they were, but had the performers and location were all wrong. My girl and I got reservations at a B&B about 4 miles away. Walked to the site at about 10 am. The fence was down, we sat on the crest of the hill. We didn't expect the crowd. We figured a blanket here and there on thick turf. It was a dull day until Santana played at about 2pm. I remember leaving after The Who and listening to the Jefferson Airplane from under a tree outside the facility as the sun came up. The was plenty of smoke and some acid, but we never saw all the nudity they show in the movie. We caught a ride back to the B&B, took showers and had a nice breakfast. I had to return to a very conservative job where even flared dress pants were considered hippy. I still have the tickets somewhere. That was the end of The age of Aquarius not the beginning, after that there was violence at large concerts and things became commercial. Defiantly the good old bygone days.
Newton, NJ - Monday, April 06, 2009 at 13:02:39 (PDT)

Unfortunately I wasn't alive when Woodstock rock the world in 69 and I've always wished to be there. Now I've found there will be an exact replica of the Woodstock 69 festival down on Virginia Beach! Of course with tribute artists, but I won't miss it for the world this time!
Just for the experience of it!.
And if you did, it would be fun goin' to bring back groovy memories.

Toronto, Ontario Canada - Friday, April 03, 2009 at 13:53:47 (PDT)

I'm doing a history project of America from the years 65-72 (roughly), so obviously woodstock is a huge chunk of that. As any other 16 year old high school kid would, I got distracted from what I was supposed to be doing and started reading these accounts. I feel so cheated that I'm 16 in 2009 instead of 1969. I would have been there in a heartbeat no matter what it took. I'm jealous of the memories that the 50+ year olds have, and I'm bummed that all I have are memories of the first Warped Tour I went to. I am not so provincial in my longing to have lived to be at woodstock; I know that half the people there were sick, hungry, dirty, or a combination of the three. What's so appealing to me however is the people that were there. I always find myself wishing for another woodstock (a real one.. not like the one in the 90's)simply because I want to be around people who understand real music, real peace, and real love.
- Thursday, April 02, 2009 at 16:22:05 (PDT)

I have a program from Woodstock 69 that I was told is a souvenir program from that event. Does anyone know if there was a souvenir program?
joe tompkins
- Saturday, February 28, 2009 at 15:27:23 (PST)

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